Good grief ... this got all serious and shit. First, whenever a politician invokes "god," it's for self-serving reasons. It always sounds fake and cheesy when a president signs off a speech with "god bless you and god bless the United State of America." Maybe include the rest of the world, too?
But look at that, I'm off my own topic already. If Obama or Bush, or whoever, makes a reference to "god," it's not necessarily the Christian god. Those who believe in a god all believe in the same fucking diety, regardless of whether you're Jewish, Christian or Muslim. The only thing that's different is the way he/she is worshipped. It's the same with a moment of silence. Some people freak out when they're asked to observe a moment of silence. But no one, NO ONE, is saying you have to pray. Or if you do pray, no one says you must pray to the "Christian god" or Allah or the Jewish god because, again, it's all the same god. IMO, god is what you make of him/her. Not some priest or imam or rabbi or monk, not some holy book, not some restrictive religious dogma. I don't need a church, ritual, or holy man to talk to the supreme being. The great thing about god is that there is no "right" way to worship or commune with him/her. Too bad all those religious nuts over the last 2,000 years never understood that. There has been so much blood and stife and persecution over differing belief structures -- all of which were devised my men for the sake of controlling and fleecing ignorant poor people. :rant: