‘Obama’ filmmaker charged in NY in campaign fraud


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

NEW YORK — A conservative scholar and author known recently for his critical works on President Barack Obama has been indicted in New York on charges he violated campaign finance laws.

Federal prosecutors announced the charges Thursday against Dinesh D’Souza, who made the anti-Obama documentary “2016: Obama’s America.” They say he’ll be arraigned Friday on charges he directed $20,000 in illegal contributions to be made in the New York Senate race in 2012.

Prosecutors say the San Diego resident was charged with causing the illegal campaign contributions to be made and causing false statements to be made in connection with them. They say the criminal case resulted from a routine review by the FBI of campaign filings by various candidates after the Senate race.

A defense attorney says D’Souza didn’t act with any corrupt or criminal intent.



I knew you were a bit weak in the smarts dept, but what a great response!

Just what party is it I'm supposed to own? Did you get with eric and discuss this theory? Or is he too deep for you to follow?:confusedcow:

Oh oh...I see the problem...Canadian. :facepalm:
Obama wasn't any good to begin with...and he still isn't.

I knew you were a bit weak in the smarts dept, but what a great response!

Just what party is it I'm supposed to own? Did you get with eric and discuss this theory? Or is he too deep for you to follow?:confusedcow:

Oh oh...I see the problem...Canadian. :facepalm:


You are a big time trip........................................BRO!
And..................................Phil, here are the real leaders of the Republicans, with the funds behind the scene. (Like Raymond Tusk in "House of Cards"

Do as we say or we will over fund your primary opponent, through a third party PAC.



You have no idea what you are talking about again...and again.
Cut n paste is NOT a form of discussion, it's a sign of retarded thought and low info voterism...you are truly an idiot.
Since the vast majority of bankruptcy filings and attempted bankruptcy are Democratic majority and controlled cities and states, your head remains firmly up your ass.
You failed to mention the owner of the Democratic Party, George Sourous...whay is that?
You are truly a libtard , most likely paid by the Republican Party to troll FOs and drive undecided to the Conservative side.
You are a poster child for Libtards, and certainly are earning whatever they are paying you.
Just about the only time you actually post your own thoughts, they are mostly incoherent rants about me...you are like a dog humping my leg I can't get off...eewww.
Cut n paste...that's all you have.

Here's a cut n paste about those top 20 failing cities...Demotards almost completely.

"What do most of these ailing cities all have in common? Well, consider that the vast majority are located in states with forced unions, non-right-to-work states. (Democrat)

"Right-to-work laws (like in Texas) attract people and businesses," says labor economist Richard Vedder of Ohio University. "Non-right-to-work states repel them." His statistics show that cities in states with right-to-work laws have sturdier tax bases and higher employment levels.

Unions control state legislatures and city halls in non-right-to-work states, so it can become politically paralyzing to try to fix the problem of runaway labor costs.

Another common trait of financially troubled cities: years and years of liberal governance.

For at least the last 20 years major U.S. cities have been playgrounds for left-wing experiments — high taxes on the rich; sanctuaries for illegal immigrants; super-minimum wage rules; strict gun-control laws (that actually contribute to high crime rates); regulations and paperwork that make it onerous to open a business or develop on your own property; crony capitalism with contracts going to political donors and friends; and failing schools ruled by teacher unions, with little competition or productivity.

Starting in the 1970s, Detroit became inhospitable if you wanted to raise a family and send your kids to good schools. Criminal predators also made cities like Detroit unlivable for families with children. Businesses that provide jobs often faced citywide income taxes that were layered on top of state income taxes.

"Declining cities are jurisdictions that levy local income taxes," a Cato Institute report concluded. Detroit levies a 2.5 percent income tax; New York's is 5 percent.

Another problem has been the decline in family structure that has become acute in so many big cities across the country, from Los Angeles to New York. In many cities, as many as two out of three children are born to a family without a father. As Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute has warned, "Single-mother families are a recipe for social chaos." "

You left all this out...of course.

Where are you from...Estonia? Montenegro?

Do they have a public school system where you grew up?
You are one dumb motherfucker, fer true!
Philbert, there is really no effort required to make you look foolish. It's remarkable, really, how good a job you do all on your own.

Please, use the word "libtard" a few more times in your next post. It's sure to make everyone see your point of view. That is certainly an example of exemplary arguing. And the fact that you denigrated cutting and pasting, and then cut and pasted your response doesn't at all reflect on your ability to argue well, either. It's worrisome, because I'm beginning to believe that you are, actually, just as stupid as you appear to be.

Now I'm sure you'll come back with some response calling me stupid, or liberal, or libtard, or something equally witty. Please, I welcome your response, as it will do nothing but prove exactly what I'm saying with each of your own words. You won't see it, of course, and you'll feel superiour, and as though you've "won." That's okay, though. Everyone else will still be laughing at you because of your foolish positions, and how poorly you articulate yourself.

:2 cents:


Philbert, there is really no effort required to make you look foolish. It's remarkable, really, how good a job you do all on your own.

Please, use the word "libtard" a few more times in your next post. It's sure to make everyone see your point of view. That is certainly an example of exemplary arguing. And the fact that you denigrated cutting and pasting, and then cut and pasted your response doesn't at all reflect on your ability to argue well, either. It's worrisome, because I'm beginning to believe that you are, actually, just as stupid as you appear to be.

Now I'm sure you'll come back with some response calling me stupid, or liberal, or libtard, or something equally witty. Please, I welcome your response, as it will do nothing but prove exactly what I'm saying with each of your own words. You won't see it, of course, and you'll feel superiour, and as though you've "won." That's okay, though. Everyone else will still be laughing at you because of your foolish positions, and how poorly you articulate yourself.
:2 cents:

You really needed to vent, huh?
Still hurting over the time you linked to some lame Dem sites to show Fox news did this and that, and I easily checked those links and they were all proven wrong, the points you made were all refuted in articles and confessions, and the ruling you quoted was misquoted and was not what you claimed it was.
You were caught being lazy and Bio reamed your ass for it.
You're still butt hurt over that, huh?
I never said you were stupid, just acted stupidly.
Calling an opponent "stupid" is your internet arguing 101 technique, when all else fails (like logic or true information), call them names.
When I call someone stupid, they earned the ranking.
MustBe Shit is a classic troll, says the lamest things and shits on our floor while posting bullshit a 5th grader can see is clear BS...and you feel the need to miss my "here's a cut and paste for YOU' action and try to show me how dumb I am.
Have you a shred od integrity left in your butt hurt temperament?
I have posted thousands of my own words, as you stated, and MBS has mostly cut and pasted with NO summary, no point, just the cut n paste of someone else's words...he only posts shit about me and you love it.
You have reached the peak of you lameness today...you have joined the ranks of assholes that can't take me on mano a mano.
I can, I simply don't have any desire to. You're terrible at pontificating, even worse at rhetoric. And this will be the last time I address you. On ignore you go, and this will be a huge improvement for the political section, as your bile is never productive nor insightful.

Glad you have such grand false memories,though. Enjoy them. And goodbye.
You have no idea what you are talking about again...and again.
Cut n paste is NOT a form of discussion, it's a sign of retarded thought and low info voterism...you are truly an idiot.
Since the vast majority of bankruptcy filings and attempted bankruptcy are Democratic majority and controlled cities and states, your head remains firmly up your ass.
You failed to mention the owner of the Democratic Party, George Sourous...whay is that?
You are truly a libtard , most likely paid by the Republican Party to troll FOs and drive undecided to the Conservative side.
You are a poster child for Libtards, and certainly are earning whatever they are paying you.
Just about the only time you actually post your own thoughts, they are mostly incoherent rants about me...you are like a dog humping my leg I can't get off...eewww.
Cut n paste...that's all you have.

Here's a cut n paste about those top 20 failing cities...Demotards almost completely.

"What do most of these ailing cities all have in common? Well, consider that the vast majority are located in states with forced unions, non-right-to-work states. (Democrat)

"Right-to-work laws (like in Texas) attract people and businesses," says labor economist Richard Vedder of Ohio University. "Non-right-to-work states repel them." His statistics show that cities in states with right-to-work laws have sturdier tax bases and higher employment levels.

Unions control state legislatures and city halls in non-right-to-work states, so it can become politically paralyzing to try to fix the problem of runaway labor costs.

Another common trait of financially troubled cities: years and years of liberal governance.

For at least the last 20 years major U.S. cities have been playgrounds for left-wing experiments — high taxes on the rich; sanctuaries for illegal immigrants; super-minimum wage rules; strict gun-control laws (that actually contribute to high crime rates); regulations and paperwork that make it onerous to open a business or develop on your own property; crony capitalism with contracts going to political donors and friends; and failing schools ruled by teacher unions, with little competition or productivity.

Starting in the 1970s, Detroit became inhospitable if you wanted to raise a family and send your kids to good schools. Criminal predators also made cities like Detroit unlivable for families with children. Businesses that provide jobs often faced citywide income taxes that were layered on top of state income taxes.

"Declining cities are jurisdictions that levy local income taxes," a Cato Institute report concluded. Detroit levies a 2.5 percent income tax; New York's is 5 percent.

Another problem has been the decline in family structure that has become acute in so many big cities across the country, from Los Angeles to New York. In many cities, as many as two out of three children are born to a family without a father. As Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute has warned, "Single-mother families are a recipe for social chaos." "

You left all this out...of course.

Where are you from...Estonia? Montenegro?

Do they have a public school system where you grew up?
You are one dumb motherfucker, fer true!

Phil's posting style,



Restating FoxNews garbage,

If you are mad do this,


Even though this is a porn based website.

Because he is a internet plant from the,


Like trying to sway a international website will change elections.

And when all fails act smart because he is a...................


See Phil a picture says a thousand words!

Wish Sam Fischer is still here. He was also a trip as a Tea party plant here also :)
And......................................................Phil. Notice how I call the Tea Party without the hate Baggers instead :)

Keep being witty and type libtards, Otrama, Ni993s, Wetblacks and Chinks when you get mad!


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I can, I simply don't have any desire to. You're terrible at pontificating, even worse at rhetoric. And this will be the last time I address you. On ignore you go, and this will be a huge improvement for the political section, as your bile is never productive nor insightful.

Glad you have such grand false memories,though. Enjoy them. And goodbye.
Welcome to the club. You'll find it much, much better without him. Better still if/when you finally stop clicking 'show post' (it took me a little while in the beginning, but now I do it only once in a blue moon and only to reinforce that my decision was wholly reasonable).

I could almost enjoy the Phil-less peace and quiet completely except...

Phil, Phil, Phil. I know the board is slow and all, but friendly advice: you're not helping things by double/triple-posting about Phil. Please put him on ignore and move on. My ignore is foiled when you quote him again and again.

Protip: it's pointless trying to insult Phil. It's pointless trying to reason with Phil. To summarize, it's pointless interacting with Phil.
Welcome to the club. You'll find it much, much better without him. Better still if/when you finally stop clicking 'show post' (it took me a little while in the beginning, but now I do it only once in a blue moon and only to reinforce that my decision was wholly reasonable).

I could almost enjoy the Phil-less peace and quiet completely except...

Phil, Phil, Phil. I know the board is slow and all, but friendly advice: you're not helping things by double/triple-posting about Phil. Please put him on ignore and move on. My ignore is foiled when you quote him again and again.

Protip: it's pointless trying to insult Phil. It's pointless trying to reason with Phil. To summarize, it's pointless interacting with Phil.

I came to that realization yesterday. so don't worry, won't quote him anymore. But no need to put on ignore.

Because things like his long rant on me, had me rolling when I read it.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I came to that realization yesterday. so don't worry, won't quote him anymore. But no need to put on ignore.

Because things like his long rant on me, had me rolling when I read it.
Good enough for me! :thumbsup:


Wow...what a joy to see so many pussytards have found each other...it's almost heartwarming, aimost as much as it's pathetic.
MustBeShit is the most prolific troll we have...and you guys love him for his choice of trolling. Real deep thinkers ...:rofl2:

There're a few more Philvictims out there...please get together and post away, then form an "Ignore" pact and leave me in grown-up peace, like rattrap does...your occasional joining in and running back to hide behind "ignore" is classic pussytard.
And this group is definitely pussy level...

For lickingdick....
Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, LibtardLibtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard,Libtard, Libtard, Libtard!

I hope, at the very least this gave you a headache, but if not I'll maybe do it again, at your request.
I know you love the attention.

To the rest of you...eat smiley!:moon::thefinger