Obama Facing 30 Death Threats Per Day

All I know is, the fucktards making these threats, better take a real...REAL close look at runner's up #1 and #2...because those 2 clowns are WAY worse then the chucklehead that's in there know...seriously.

I will move to another country if Nancy Pelosi is either President of the United States or Vice President of the United States. She is fucking nuts, and since she represents District 9 of California a.k.a. San Francisco she can be as liberal as she wants without any consequences.
I will move to another country if Nancy Pelosi is either President of the United States or Vice President of the United States. She is fucking nuts, and since she represents District 9 of California a.k.a. San Francisco she can be as liberal as she wants without any consequences.

HolyChrist! Pelosi or Biden would be a worse nightmare than Obama is turning out to be. I wish Obama stays well for four years,then a bankrupt country can throw him out legally. Congress will go way more Republican in the mid term election because of the mess Obama and friends are making.
Every President has tons of nutjobs who wants to kill them... anyone remember the name of the last POTUS that was shot? I'll give you a hint... initials were RR.
rightwing nutjobs r much more quick to commit murder than liberals
Perhaps you missed a crucial part of the article:

"the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush"

and the article also mentions cutbacks in the Secret Service. Not a good coincidence.

Also, the article didn't talk about deadly clothing, 24788, so I don't know why you mentioned that...


No it didn't mention Secret Service cutbacks, the article said it was "over-stretched and under resourced", which is just journalistic sensationalism to make you think the article is bigger than it really is.

In this era of billions in massive overspending, you think they'll save a million or two bucks by make cutbacks in the safety of the president?

That article is meaningless rubbish.

Obama is horrible. He's suffers massive delusions of grandeur and he's hell bent on finishing the job that Bush started, plunging this country into the insufferable depths of socialism. But our legislature is even worse. Senators and congressman just sit there indiscriminantly tossing our money around, all the while avoid the burdensome task of getting a real job. They're just slick salesman who campaign for a few months every four years and convince the average American dumbass redneck to vote for him.

Once again, we have no hope and it won't matter who gets assassinated.
The only thing I would say is....only 30?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Maybe one of these days the threats will turn out to be more than a threat. You gotta figure, if its a threat then the guy planning to pull the trigger or whatever is bluffing or to chicken shit to actually go through with it.

I bet Booth and Oswald didn't tell anyone what they were planning, they just went ahead and did it! Ok fine booth was part of a larger conspiracy, but you get my point. Lincoln and JFK never saw it coming.


Staff member
People are unpredicatble.There is one sniping rifle than can kill any threat over 2400m of range, it is the chey tac m200 intervention 408 caliber sniper rifle
The 408 cheytac is superior to the 50 bmg ammo in terms of power and accuracy, the chey tac is also delivered with a specific computer that gives the shooter the level of wind, temperature elevation and type of environnement he is in, so the shooter can make the best shot and the single shot will be an immediate kill. If a determined organization wants to get rid of Obama, they will think about this weapon. Obama faces dangers, we know it but remember people who are determined to remove him will use professional henchmen to do it.