No, those aren't facts. I watched a good deal of the inquisition of Hillary Clinton, and she knocked down the talking points thrown at her. Fact is, congress cut funding to embassy security, requests for help were never received by Clinton, and no one was told to stand down. This is a partisan witch-hunt because the GOP is terrified Hillary Clinton is going to announce a run for 2016. There was no republican outrage at the many embassy attacks during the Bush administration, or for 9/11. President Obama should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Darrel Issa's abuse of power as chair of the Oversight Committee.
Here's an article that pretty well sums up Issa's "official" charges against the Obama administration-
This is beyond partisanship. This is a classic fuck up no matter how it's spun. You're not going to avoid diplomats being attacked abroad. But you can avoid a consulate being overrun and your ambassador murdered on account of lack of security.