Obama and his administration, including Hillary are going DOWN!

Maybe not now, or a few years from now, but the truth will come out. But, in the meantime, good Americans will know you will continue cheering for our country to continue its path down the shitter.

I don't think so. I think this is going to continue to be a non issue forever.
This isn't going to bring Obama or Hillary down.

If anything, it'll enhance Hillary's resume rather than diminish it. That's the world we live in.

Just don't give a shit Sam. It's easier to deal with.
lol, the Benghazi fuck-up is far from over. Stay tuned, loons!
Mark my words. I will have the last laugh.

Sam even IF it is determined that something criminal occurred during the Behghazi affair it would be nothing to laugh about. I would be disappointed and saddened at the loss of life and that the administration duped the American people. I wouldn't be able to celebrate that no matter which party was responsible.
Sam even IF it is determined that something criminal occurred during the Behghazi affair it would be nothing to laugh about. I would be disappointed and saddened at the loss of life and that the administration duped the American people. I wouldn't be able to celebrate that no matter which party was responsible.

I agree 100%. What I was referring to as far as "having the last laugh" is..... those in here who chastise me, ridicule me (while laughing at me) because I believe there was a cover-up concerning Benghazi.

Hence, "me having the last laugh", when it's all said and done.


Mark my words. I will have the last laugh.

That's very similar to what you said about the 2012 "landslide" that you were convinced Romney was going to win.

It's also similar to when he "remembered" what I said ..... in reverse. And then posts an entire thread about it. And then isn't man enough to come clean, admit his mistake and apologize.

And he was full of shit about Tebow too.
And he was full of shit about Tebow too.

Get your shit straight, punk!

I said MANNING was not a guarantee that the Broncos were going to win the Super Bowl. And, I was correct.

The top-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee said President Barack Obama could possibly be impeached over what happened in Benghazi.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said in a radio interview Thursday that “of all the great cover-ups in history” — including the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra and Watergate — Benghazi “is going to go down as most serious, most egregious cover-up in American history.”

“We may be starting to use the I-word before too long,” Inhofe said on the Las Vegas-based “Rusty Humphries Show.”

“The I-word meaning impeachment?” Humphries asked.

“Yeah,” Inhofe confirmed.

When Humphries questioned the likelihood of impeachment, Inhofe said it wouldn’t be immediate.

“I’m not talking about it now, this is something that could endure until after the ’14 election — this is not a short story, this is something that was re-discovered after eight months…this is clearly an orchestrated coverup,” he said.

Listen to the full interview here ---> http://www.talk2rusty.com/050913-Rusty-Humphries-Jim-Inhofe
Someone with more intelligence than that of a four year old explain something to me--how much, percentage-wise, does this have to do with the man being, shall we say, caucasianally impaired?
Funny about the same people that are outraged about Obama's lie about Benghazi and about 4 US diplomats killed never said anything after it was clear that Bush lied about the WMDs in Irak that cost their lives to nearly 4,500 US boys...
If a lie from the president get you so outraged, why didn't you asked for an impeachment on G. W. Bush ?
Why Georges Bush, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have never been heard by some kind of "Iraqi WMD's Commission" ?
Why would a man who lied about the death of 4 US diplomats be impeached when a man whose lie cost their lives to 4,500 US boys wasn't ?
Gen. Powell is an honorable man, don't put his name with any of the trash of either party