New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush praised President Trump Monday for the way he handles press conferences.
“I do want to give Trump credit on things,” he said during a panel discussion with CNN’s Jim Acosta and the Washington Post’s Ashley Parker. "I think one of the things that I think he's doing better than Barack Obama are these press conferences and his outreach to individual reporters, even for organizations like my own that he criticizes."
Thrush said it’s important to remember that under President Obama, there was no ‘Golden Age’ in regard to freedom of press.
"When Obama had press conferences, he had a single piece of white paper and he had six or seven organizations that he had pre-selected to call upon, and a lot of them were pretty favorable to him, too," Thrush said.
"I think Trump's free-ranging press conferences, I think, are a lot more Democratic than the way that Obama conducted them," he added.
make that soon to be former New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush. He just committed an unpardonable sin among his liberal colleagues.