We disregard everything you post.
That's hilarious! You and I both know you respond to practically EVERYTHING I post. You even responded to my post here, while in the same breath saying you disregard everything (moron). Fact is, no other individual on this forum has responded to me more than you have, and it's not even close. Ace, I'm beginning to think you have a crush on me. If not a crush, then at least an obsession.
I used to enjoy seeing you make an ass of yourself, but now it's just gotten to be pathetic. By repeatedly embarrassing yourself (seemingly on a daily basis), you're dishonoring self-respecting trolls everywhere. I think someone should put in an emergency call to Troll Nation to have your membership revoked.
Ace, I know being a troll was your lifelong dream and all, but it's just not for you. To put it mildly, you kind of SUCK at it! Personally, as pests go, I see you more like something in the cockroach family.