There is no HOF for nude photographs. It doesn't exist except inside of your little fucking head. You haven't listed any induction criteria. There isn't any basis for comparison to measure the merits of this photo against ones already considered worthy. How the fuck can you determine if this photo is HOF material if you haven't established what constitutes a HOF photo? This is a worthless and stupid enterprise.
There is no HOF for nude photographs" - This , in a nutshell, is the basis of my motivation. Movies (mainstream and adult), the theatre, music, sports, etc. - they all make it part of their mission to acknowledge excellence within their ranks. So why isn't there a Hall of Fame, devoted museum, awards, honors, or recognition for the best in sexy-erotic nude photography? Best answer: No respected binding organization.
Whatever the reason, my objective is to rectify this travesty by conducting tournaments such as these, thereby bringing awareness to this issue.
How the fuck can you determine if this photo is HOF material?" - This is an easy one. First of all, except for sports (which has statistics), the merits of any area of entertainment will be largely subjective. Nude photography is no different. Your criteria for determining if a photo is HoF-worthy is simple. You need only to ask yourself one question: Is this pic among the best nude photographs I have ever seen? If the answer is "Yes", then it should be at the very least, worthy of HoF consideration. For me, a 1st-ballot HoF photo, will often stun your senses, causing you to utter one or more of the following: "Holy shit!", "Whoa!", "Good heavens!", "Fuck!".
If your initial reaction isn't able to distinguish between say a "good" pic and a "very good" pic, then a more analytical approach to one's decision-making might be in order, which could involve the use of the following template:
Posted earlier...
In this case (Hall-of-Fame voting), judgments will ideally have nothing whatsoever to do with the featured model's celebrity or popularity, but instead will be based on the
overall photograph , including such aspects as....
- Attractiveness of model
- Originality or creativity of shot
- Image quality (resolution, etc.), and
- Sexual appeal (pose, figure/physique, facial expression)
I've been at this intensely for 5 years now. So, naturally it comes easy to me. For some (analytical, critic, and reviewer types), this will be a fun little side activity. For other, not so much.