

Have ya guy's ever tried to crack a normal unboiled egg lengthwise between your 2 palms while clasping your fingers together ? :p

You didn't hear it from me :rofl:
Have you ever tried to crack a normal unboiled egg lengthwise between your 2 palms while clasping your fingers together ? :p

I remember watching that experiment on 3-2-1 Contact! when I was in elementary school. They tried, and tried, and finally gave up. They started piling on weights on the egg, and found it could take something like 45 pounds before it broke. :eek:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I got it were supposed to match nothing with the same in a different language.



lets see if this is the true meaning of this thread? :rolleyes::dunno::2 cents:
I remember watching that experiment on 3-2-1 Contact! when I was in elementary school. They tried, and tried, and finally gave up. They started piling on weights on the egg, and found it could take something like 45 pounds before it broke. :eek:

That show was pretty awesome, too bad they don't produce those kinds of educational shows anymore.

Does anyone remember Big Blue Marble? If not, that's fucked up.
This beats mine: Kill Me/I am Dead/Dead Again/Kill Me Again/The End.:o


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Okay, so hypothetically - Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village has a law that does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that her husband is unfaithful must kill him that very day. The women of the village would never disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visits and announces that at least one husband has been unfaithful. What happens?

That depends. Does a woman instantly knowing "when a man other than her husband has cheated" constitute valid proof for another women when that women is trying to prove her own husband unfaithfulness. If so all the men die. If not then nothing happens other than the fact that all the woman know all the husbands besides their own have cheated and the queen said somebody had been unfaithful which may or my not each woman's husband, but that doesn’t prove her own husband was unfaithful. It would seem that what the queen said is irrelevant on the basis of each individual women needing proof for her own husband.

I tried to fdo something but I missed so I edit the title and the thread, hoping nobidy will answer the thread would soon be burried beneath hundred of other threads... Then Andronicus did his thing


The One and Only Big Daddy
I remember watching that experiment on 3-2-1 Contact! when I was in elementary school. They tried, and tried, and finally gave up. They started piling on weights on the egg, and found it could take something like 45 pounds before it broke. :eek:

Hey I remember that show it was really good

This thread is still going strong:thumbsup:


I tried to fdo something but I missed so I edit the title and the thread, hoping nobidy will answer the thread would soon be burried beneath hundred of other threads... Then Andronicus did his thing

Well, obviously. But you didn't have to go ruin the fun by actually telling us that.