Not your typical ID question. British Porn Scene

Hi guys, was wondering if I could get your help finding out who this girl/porno title is. I haven't got a pic of her or the link to the scene, bit of a long shot but I was hoping someone by chance would have seen what I'm about to describe.

Basically its a British porno I saw about 12 years ago or so on vhs(video), this middle aged guy is chatting in his or her home to this woman with huge tits and he a has a brief conversation with her and referred to her breasts as 'Bristols', she also seemed shy. She had blondish hair, slim/skinny, her tongue was pierced and was wearing (I think) a grey jumper until its taken off and a unique thing about the scene was she kept sipping her glass of drink in between giving this guy a blowjob on the sofa.

Anyways it was favourite porno back in my teens from what I remember and recently been trying to track it down online to buy it, spent a few hours trying to do so but with no luck.

If anyone could help that would be great and I'm willing to wire up a finders fee of lets say a £10 on paypal to whoever gets me the info first, time is money for me and google hasn't been kind in my search for this.

Many Thanks
