Not sure if this is a fetish...

I am not sure if this is a fetish or not... I love seeing two people having sex and not really have to perform for their partner with sounds and acting. And if they agree to have non-acted, non-performed and most importantly have non-guilt sex with their partner, that would be the purest real-reality amateur raw sex you can get. When I was young, I had this one gf who I had sex with for the pure act of it and nothing more; we were both very horny, curious, adventurous, not-inhibited and open-minded; knowing each other, we automatically knew we didn’t have to out act or perform each other, it was great not to worry about that and just have fun while exploring each others’ body. I was lucky I had the chance to do what ever I wanted, what ever I wanted and visa versa. She was sooo cool about it. I have see so many genres that say they offer this, but they ALL always end up with porn-101 acting and sex performance (it's sadly predictable, isn't it?). The closest I seeing recently is the parts of Brandi Belle (playing a game/fucking, etc.) and Little Caprice (laughing and exercising/fucking, etc.). Even the Japanese have been starting to show this (store window/fucking and reading the news/fucking, etc.). I even like the 'sleeping' genre because the girls don't perform the sex; there IS pure raw sex, but no porn acting. I would like to take that a bit further and see a creation of a new genre where the sleeping girl is awake and doesn’t act or perform the sex in the same manner as when she was asleep. I would be the first to buy the entire product.