Ceska, I have posted many links to info about a lot of this stuff.
The whole thing with the errors in Nasa's data is covered here, but that won't matter, and common sense doesn't matter.
The link to the Nasa data provided by this blog is not dealing with worldwide global temperatures. It is dealing with "Annual Mean Temperature Change in the United States - Annual and five-year running mean surface air temperature in the contiguous 48 United States (1.6% of the Earth's surface) relative to the 1951-1980 mean". This tells us absolutely nothing about global warming worldwide. Thus the mismatch with Nasa's Climate Utility Data.
You can find it if you open the link provided by the blog and step back to NASA's source material. You can find the exact data the blog cited here under "tabular data" 7/8 down the page.
This is exactly why it is important to provide references to your sources whenever possible so they can be verified for accuracy or challenged based on their merits. You have been misinformed by that blog.
Sometimes common sense alone is not enough.
I love my country and I realize that this whole global warming thing is used as an excuse by a lot of people to place hardships on the people of this country.
I respect your love of country and feel sorry for the hardships you or those that you know have experienced. Please understand that global warming is not a deliberate attempt by some fringe liberal group to burden them - it is a scientific consensus.
The last time I posted any info, which had plenty of references to what I was saying and enough info for people who are willing to dig a little bit to find out what I am saying is true.
All I got was people half way looking at what I posted and saying that they didn't trust any website that wasn't a .gov or .org. Yet their info came from .com and .net sites and they were fine.
The web extension is less important than the source itself. For example, you made a claim about Nasa - so I used Nasa as a source. You made a claim about oil companies - so I used the American Petroleum Institute as a source. The fact that they are .gov and .org respectively is less important.
Examine everything you read with a skeptical eye - especially those things you already believe.
If you don't agree with their point of view then you are ridiculed and treated like an idiot.
You are not an idiot. You are simply too trusting of what you read.