Not enough

I'm gonna ask a single question for you fellow :p
What do you do when jerking off is not enough and you can't find satisfying girls to have sex with??
I'm a bit desperate right now X_X

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm gonna ask a single question for you fellow :p
What do you do when jerking off is not enough and you can't find satisfying girls to have sex with??
I'm a bit desperate right now X_X

First off, you didn't say anything. You wrote it. Secondly, you wrote that you can't find girls. That leaves dudes; inanimate objects or something that is taboo/too disgusting to write on our pristine forum. I'm inclined to believe you couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a stack of pardons.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm gonna ask a single question for you fellow :p
What do you do when jerking off is not enough and you can't find satisfying girls to have sex with??
I'm a bit desperate right now X_X

First off, you didn't say anything. You wrote it. Secondly, you wrote that you can't find girls. That leaves dudes; inanimate objects or something that is taboo/too disgusting to write on our pristine forum. I'm inclined to believe you couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a stack of pardons.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
A picture of your lost puppy, a van and candy.
loll yeah i forgot how mean were users in this forum, they do not much know what the word community means. Thus all your comments were irrelevant. I know my value, thanks anyway :)


loll yeah i forgot how mean were users in this forum, they do not much know what the word community means. Thus all your comments were irrelevant. I know my value, thanks anyway :)

We aren't mean...per se.
You just happen to have a lame question to post, and if you throw a Porterhouse into a lion's cage, he'll eat that up.

In a world full of humans, you can't find happiness just wanking to fantasies and don't know what to do?

I'll say it in pictures...!

:drunk:, :love-smi:, or :suicide:.

Don't post to a jillion strangers looking at porn how awful your life is.

PS..."not much know what the word community means"...we seem to be in communal agreement that your post is pretty irrelevant.
Prostitute or craigslist? There are hook up web sites out there too, if you don't mind a bit of stranger danger.
yeah maybe i wasn't clear, but i was more asking for a chat than real advice. Like does this kind of feeling happens to you too? When it happens, do you do something?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
yeah maybe i wasn't clear, but i was more asking for a chat than real advice. Like does this kind of feeling happens to you too? When it happens, do you do something?

Okay, we'll get back to your original post. You said you were desperate for sexual gratification. Desperation in what sort of form? Is it keeping you up at night? Affecting your work performance or social life? Are you afraid it will get to the point that you will start doing creepy things? If spanking your dick can't get you through those moments then I don't know what you're looking for. What sort of alternatives have come to mind?