Norwegian Terror Attacks

We've been anti-Islam and anti-Islamic immigration into Europe on this board LONG before this nutter. You fail on that point - it's a flat out lie to state otherwise or to lump someone who vehemently opposes masses from Islamic lands migrating into Europe as wholly crazed as Breivik.

Can you blame the Muslims? They are likely from some shithole living in abject poverty, and a beautiful first world country is willing to take them in and give them a nice free place to live and give them food and money and healthcare. Why in the world wouldnt they want to immigrate to such a country?

If there was a store in your city that was giving away free gold bars would you not go get one of them?

There is a driving force behind the massive flood of 3rd world immigrants into Europe. The goal is to change the entire face and culture of White countries because some influential people feel that White people need to have their countries flooded with non-Whites. There is obviously a racist anti white force behind this. It is not a force of Muslims, the Muslims are just pawns in this game to ruin Europe.

Many Europeans have been indoctrinated into an ideology where they welcome this flood of 3rd world immigrants with open arms in an attempt to show how they are not racist, and to make ammends for what they have been led to believe are their racist ancestors' exploitation of non-whites.

These Europeans have been brainwashed into adopting policies which are suicidal to their own existence and to the survival of their own culture and heritage.

If I was to say that Japan needs to not be Japan anymore, that the Japanese are bad, and that we need to change the face of Japan forever by flooding it with Indians, Africans, and Arabs you would probably say to me that I am crazy, but this is exactly what has been done to Europe.

The thing about Anders Brevik is that he could not see who was behind the curtain. He just looked at the Muslim pawns and not the people behind the invasion.

If he understood that it is Jewish people who have pushed and lobbied for the flood of 3rd world immigrants into Europe he would never have been pro Israel. He didnt realize that it was Jewish people behind the relaxed immigration laws that have opened the immigration flood gates into Europe. It is Jewish people who have worked to instill the suicidal liberal policies on White Europeans that have made them welcome the demise of their own race, heritage, and culture.

Anders Brevik was an idiot, he belived the most basic propaganda around, never looking past the cheese that was put out for his simple minded consumption, he is like a typical fox news viewer that will belive everything he is told by Bill oreilly or Sean Hannity or anne Culter or any other NeoCon idiot with an agenda to brainwash people into supporting Israel and hating Muslims.
The thing about Anders Brevik is that he could not see who was behind the curtain. He just looked at the Muslim pawns and not the people behind the invasion.

If he understood that it is Jewish people who have pushed and lobbied for the flood of 3rd world immigrants into Europe he would never have been pro Israel. He didnt realize that it was Jewish people behind the relaxed immigration laws that have opened the immigration flood gates into Europe. It is Jewish people who have pused the suicidal liberal policies on White Europeans that have made them welcome the demise of their own race, heritage, and culture.

Anders Brevik was an idiot, he belived the most basic propaganda around, never looking past the cheese that was put out for his simple minded consumption, he is like a typical fox news viewer that will belive everything he is told by Bill oreilly or Sean Hannity or anne Culter or any other NeoCon idiot with an agenda to brainwash people into supporting Israel and hating Muslims.


Oh my God.:wtf:

Oh my God.:wtf:

Jews are behind the 3rd world flood of immigrants into Europe it is common knowledge and Jews admit it themselves.

The Jewish woman in the video above moved to Sweden to set up a foundation to import 3rd world immigrants into Europe to make Sweden more multicultural, she admits that Jews will be behind the transformation of Europe into multicultural societies. She moved all the way across the world just to help destroy Europe. I dont know how to embed this video, sorry. To these people it is very important to rid the world of homogenous White countries, they are saying that White people cannot be trusted to have their own countries. This is what Anders Brevik was mad about, but his madness was misplaced, he should have focused his anger on people like the woman in the above video
Sorry, but he's right.

In the states for example their influence has been behind many world changing decisions since WW1, even before.

I could say a lot more but I would get banned and accused and I don't feel like dealing with it.

Yes, I mean it is common knowledge, I believe this Trident character is feigning ignorance here on this issue, pretending like it is some big shock, when it can easily be looked up and verified.

It took me one second to find this material here that list the names of the Jews responsable for the US immigration policy of 1965.

THE DEATH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.

While serving Jewish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s death as a unified nation. Jews were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Muslim terrorist.

Jews have continually evinced hostility toward American Christian culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.

Jews are a paranoid people. Wherever the Jews go they fear Anti-Semitism. (Jews have a guilt complex - and for good reason.) Jews fear a homogenous Christian culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jews are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Christ-killers.” This is why the Jews tried to get Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.

A typical example of what characterizes the Jewish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:

—— “Jewish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——

Here Are The Names Of The Jews Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Jewish Intellect,” (translate, “Christ-Hater”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Jewish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

THE 1965 OPEN IMMIGRATION LAW IS PRESENTLY fulfilling the aims of the Jewish conspiracy as seen in its effects. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by the year 2050, European-derived peoples will no longer be a majority of the population of America due to the massive influx of immigrants since the signing of the bill in 1965.

Most of these immigrants come from Third World Nations whose customs, religions, and culture are far removed from anything remotely resembling Christianity. Within the context of a Jewish-informed “multicultural America,” these immigrants are encouraged by the Jews to retain their own languages, customs, and religions.

The Jews have also given these immigrants a moral mandate to expand both demographically and politically. And expand they will and do! But any attempts by European-derived peoples to retain demographic, political, and cultural control in America are represented by the Jews as being ‘racist’ and ‘immoral.’
Breivik murders kids because he's against Muslim immigration
You bring up "maybe we should look at this immigration thing because it IS a problem"
Nobody anywhere on this forum at any time said anything this creep did was "legitimate" or "rational" in any sense of those words. You are puting words into peoples' posting here.

As far as the immigration policy in Scandinavia (which appears to have been an impetus for the loon's attacks), again, we've LONG held that stance - I know I have. Just because a nutter like this guy goes off does not lessen that idea nor does it make everyone who opposes immigration from entirely different cultures into Europe all Nazis. Stop with this sort of distortion - it's nothing but lies.
Stop with this sort of distortion - it's nothing but lies.
thats rather cynical (to believe we're all that stupid).

Trident links an article that is sympathetic to Breivik's point of contention (lot of darkies coming into Norway....though the article never cites statistics or census figures, just that white people should be afraid) with the comment "hey lets look into this...."

So, we're supposed to dismiss this lunatic as some lonewolf crazy.
Yet, much of his nativist, white man's blues is repeated on here (and talk radio) every day.

He claims christian "culture" opposition to other cultures (not really making any distinction between man, woman, child....its just 'those people), but we're not supposed to classify him as christian.

He has right-wing authoritarian viewpoints, but we can't lump him in with all the exclusionary right-wing pundits spouting hate to any idea that provides opposition to their talking points.

Since there is No True Scotsman here, I would ask what would it take for us to EVER classify someone as a christian terrorist? We don't consider Westboro Baptist to be 'tru christians', we don't claim Scott Roeder as a 'tru christian', nor Jim Jones or Eric Rudolph, or the countless terrorist plots of white supremicists in the South......those folks were never real christians....but we don't have a problem lumping any other faiths as volatile

You can't jump the chasm of the human experience into hating a segment of people you've never met without dehumanizing them and elevating yourself into some sociopathic worthiness of 'defending'. There is really only one way to do that while maintaining your sense of justice/morality; and thats through sanctified theology (gods people/way of life) ----- these people are evil and need to be wiped out
thats rather cynical (to believe we're all that stupid).

Trident links an article that is sympathetic to Breivik's point of contention (lot of darkies coming into Norway....though the article never cites statistics or census figures, just that white people should be afraid) with the comment "hey lets look into this...."

So, we're supposed to dismiss this lunatic as some lonewolf crazy.
Yet, much of his nativist, white man's blues is repeated on here (and talk radio) every day.

He claims christian "culture" opposition to other cultures (not really making any distinction between man, woman, child....its just 'those people), but we're not supposed to classify him as christian.

He has right-wing authoritarian viewpoints, but we can't lump him in with all the exclusionary right-wing pundits spouting hate to any idea that provides opposition to their talking points.

Since there is No True Scotsman here, I would ask what would it take for us to EVER classify someone as a christian terrorist? We don't consider Westboro Baptist to be 'tru christians', we don't claim Scott Roeder as a 'tru christian', nor Jim Jones or Eric Rudolph, or the countless terrorist plots of white supremicists in the South......those folks were never real christians....but we don't have a problem lumping any other faiths as volatile

You can't jump the chasm of the human experience into hating a segment of people you've never met without dehumanizing them and elevating yourself into some sociopathic worthiness of 'defending'. There is really only one way to do that while maintaining your sense of justice/morality; and thats through sanctified theology (gods people/way of life) ----- these people are evil and need to be wiped out

The day you can start to compile a list that comes even a smidgen close to the one I linked to (you know, the 'thereligionofpeace" link) and I will start to take your ramblings more serious. Just count your blessings that you do live in a country that is predominately based on Christian values and not one based on Islamic radicalism. Yeah, you would've be talking bad about Islam for long before you were beheaded, I can assure you.

Anyway, my point has been made. Your distortions (lumping me in with the likes of a cold blooded killer like Breivik just because I am against open border-like immigration) just continue. And you continue to misquote and distort peoples' postings. If anyone sees anything it's your distorting of these threads. Anyway, I'm outta here.
thats rather cynical (to believe we're all that stupid).

Trident links an article that is sympathetic to Breivik's point of contention (lot of darkies coming into Norway....though the article never cites statistics or census figures, just that white people should be afraid) with the comment "hey lets look into this...."

So, we're supposed to dismiss this lunatic as some lonewolf crazy.
Yet, much of his nativist, white man's blues is repeated on here (and talk radio) every day.

He claims christian "culture" opposition to other cultures (not really making any distinction between man, woman, child....its just 'those people), but we're not supposed to classify him as christian.

He has right-wing authoritarian viewpoints, but we can't lump him in with all the exclusionary right-wing pundits spouting hate to any idea that provides opposition to their talking points.

Since there is No True Scotsman here, I would ask what would it take for us to EVER classify someone as a christian terrorist? We don't consider Westboro Baptist to be 'tru christians', we don't claim Scott Roeder as a 'tru christian', nor Jim Jones or Eric Rudolph, or the countless terrorist plots of white supremicists in the South......those folks were never real christians....but we don't have a problem lumping any other faiths as volatile

You can't jump the chasm of the human experience into hating a segment of people you've never met without dehumanizing them and elevating yourself into some sociopathic worthiness of 'defending'. There is really only one way to do that while maintaining your sense of justice/morality; and thats through sanctified theology (gods people/way of life) ----- these people are evil and need to be wiped out


I would say this guy Anders Brevik is a NeoCon Zionist Judeo-Christian Terrorist

He reminds me of the Jewish terrorist Baruch Goldstein

There was a Jewish Terrorist in Israel that went into a Mosque and opened fire on innocent Muslims while they were praying, his name was Baruch Goldstein and he killed 29 people with his assault rifle before he was overtaken and beaten to death. For many Israelis he is a hero, and there was even a shrine built to him that Israelis would make pilgrimages to before it was destroyed by the Israeli government becasue it didnt look good that Jews were so proud of such a terrorist.
Trident links an article that is sympathetic to Breivik's point of contention (lot of darkies coming into Norway.... though the article never cites statistics or census figures, just that white people should be afraid) with the comment "hey lets look into this...."

I linked a NYT article. A liberal source.

So, we're supposed to dismiss this lunatic as some lonewolf crazy.
Yet, much of his nativist, white man's blues is repeated on here (and talk radio) every day.

His actions yes. Many of his sentiments are mainstream thanks to the complete failure of West European gov't to address the issue earlier and their efforts now to suppress any criticism of Islam.

He claims christian "culture" opposition to other cultures (not really making any distinction between man, woman, child....its just 'those people), but we're not supposed to classify him as christian.

Man you want to believe so badly that he IS a Christian terrorist.

He has right-wing authoritarian viewpoints, but we can't lump him in with all the exclusionary right-wing pundits spouting hate to any idea that provides opposition to their talking points.

Norway's ruling party foreign policy regarding Israel borders on plain anti-semitism. Curious and very ironic.

Since there is No True Scotsman here, I would ask what would it take for us to EVER classify someone as a christian terrorist?

Someone who makes a video of themselves quoting scripture beforehand or receiving communion and vocal support from a Catholic/Prot. Church that Mr. XYZ may kill in the name of God.
How many did I murder? Gunman asks what toll was and talks of '60-year war'

# ‘He believes in war you can do things like that without guilt’
# Breivik could be housed in the £150m Halden Prison - considered one of the most luxurious jails in the world
# Police say it will take two more weeks to find all the bodies

Read more:

The male model, the crown princess's stepbrother and a host of politicians' children: Police release IDs of Norwegian gunman's 76 victims

* Search for missing bodies will take another two weeks

Read more:



Trong Bernsten

Syvert Knudsen

Havard Vederhus

Simon Saebo

Aleksander Aas Eriksen

Maianne Sandvik

Ismail Haji

Tarald Mjelde

Johannes Buo

Gunnar Linekar

Emil Okkenhaug

Chrisopher Perreau

Snorre Haller

Tore Eikeland

Torjus Blattman

Andrine Bakkene Espeland

Anders Kristiansen

Guro Havoll

Sverre Bjorkavag

Tove Knutsen

Hanna Orvik Endresen

Kai Hauge

Missing - feared dead:

Sondre Dale

Hanne Kirstine Fridtun

Monica Bosei

Jamil Rafal Yasin


Closed Account
Sorry, but he's right.

In the states for example their influence has been behind many world changing decisions since WW1, even before.

I could say a lot more but I would get banned and accused and I don't feel like dealing with it.

You've already questioned the NUMBERS at least of the Jewish Holocaust so what could you possibly say to get banned MP?

Jews are behind the 3rd world flood of immigrants into Europe it is common knowledge and Jews admit it themselves.

The Jewish woman in the video above moved to Sweden to set up a foundation to import 3rd world immigrants into Europe to make Sweden more multicultural, she admits that Jews will be behind the transformation of Europe into multicultural societies. She moved all the way across the world just to help destroy Europe. I dont know how to embed this video, sorry. To these people it is very important to rid the world of homogenous White countries, they are saying that White people cannot be trusted to have their own countries. This is what Anders Brevik was mad about, but his madness was misplaced, he should have focused his anger on people like the woman in the above video

Yes, I mean it is common knowledge, I believe this Trident character is feigning ignorance here on this issue, pretending like it is some big shock, when it can easily be looked up and verified.

It took me one second to find this material here that list the names of the Jews responsable for the US immigration policy of 1965.

Strong proof to Trident1 that there is a thin line between his brand of Right Wing Neo Conservatism and Neo Nazism(I am in no way calling anyone here Nazis alright).

Funny thing is that Neo Cons and Neo Nazis mostly agree to some degree with their bigoted views of minorities overall ,but The Israeli/Jewish issue is where the coalition falls apart.:1orglaugh

Go to ANY NEO Nazi or White Nationalist site and this issue is discussed frequently as to who is a true White Nationalist (or someone who is at least sympathetic)and who is a Neo Con(Israel/Jew loving Interventionist).

Though I ABSOLUTELY in no way agree with MP, Jenkum or anyone who blames Jews for multiculturalism/libaralism(ridiculous) it does show how strongly the Jewish community(who vote 80% plus liberal nationally and are loyal Liberals in Europe as well ) is on the same side of the isle as PROGRESSIVES LIKE ME and have no stomach for the Far Right of Trident1 and cronies.:clap:

Jews have been so strongly Progressive/Liberal :clap: that the Extreme Far Right differentiate very little between Jews/Progressives/Multiculturalist/Liberals.
I don't see any sense why the police lists up every victim's name.
I think it's essential you release pictures and names of those killed, it brings home the reality of what has happened and how so many people's lives have been affected. One picture of an innocent young victim can show this tragedy far better than a paper saying x amount of people were killed, maybe it will also make other potential Breivik's think twice about what a killing spree really is, that's it's wiping out the innocent young lives of real people and not some crazy notion that you are a soldier fighting a war to save your nation and x amount of deaths are just a statistic of said war.