We've been anti-Islam and anti-Islamic immigration into Europe on this board LONG before this nutter. You fail on that point - it's a flat out lie to state otherwise or to lump someone who vehemently opposes masses from Islamic lands migrating into Europe as wholly crazed as Breivik.
Can you blame the Muslims? They are likely from some shithole living in abject poverty, and a beautiful first world country is willing to take them in and give them a nice free place to live and give them food and money and healthcare. Why in the world wouldnt they want to immigrate to such a country?
If there was a store in your city that was giving away free gold bars would you not go get one of them?
There is a driving force behind the massive flood of 3rd world immigrants into Europe. The goal is to change the entire face and culture of White countries because some influential people feel that White people need to have their countries flooded with non-Whites. There is obviously a racist anti white force behind this. It is not a force of Muslims, the Muslims are just pawns in this game to ruin Europe.
Many Europeans have been indoctrinated into an ideology where they welcome this flood of 3rd world immigrants with open arms in an attempt to show how they are not racist, and to make ammends for what they have been led to believe are their racist ancestors' exploitation of non-whites.
These Europeans have been brainwashed into adopting policies which are suicidal to their own existence and to the survival of their own culture and heritage.
If I was to say that Japan needs to not be Japan anymore, that the Japanese are bad, and that we need to change the face of Japan forever by flooding it with Indians, Africans, and Arabs you would probably say to me that I am crazy, but this is exactly what has been done to Europe.
The thing about Anders Brevik is that he could not see who was behind the curtain. He just looked at the Muslim pawns and not the people behind the invasion.
If he understood that it is Jewish people who have pushed and lobbied for the flood of 3rd world immigrants into Europe he would never have been pro Israel. He didnt realize that it was Jewish people behind the relaxed immigration laws that have opened the immigration flood gates into Europe. It is Jewish people who have worked to instill the suicidal liberal policies on White Europeans that have made them welcome the demise of their own race, heritage, and culture.
Anders Brevik was an idiot, he belived the most basic propaganda around, never looking past the cheese that was put out for his simple minded consumption, he is like a typical fox news viewer that will belive everything he is told by Bill oreilly or Sean Hannity or anne Culter or any other NeoCon idiot with an agenda to brainwash people into supporting Israel and hating Muslims.