North Carolina church to burn ‘Satan’s books,’ including works of Mother Teresa

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Book burning? Pah, what a waste of time. They need to burn the authors!

Yes, that's the true christian spirit! Burning people is much more effective than burning books. :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Book burning? Pah, what a waste of time. They need to burn the authors!

Yeah, but Mother Theresa is in the ground, and the shovels are all the way back in the shed...

Will E Worm

we are going off topic here
Will feel free to report and it will be dealt with

But that's what you do all the time based on your religion. So it's ok for you to do it but not for others?

No, I guess some people have to learn the hard way.

4.) No flaming or blatant disrespect to other members on the message board, in visitor comments, in reputation comments, tags or private messages. In general, try to treat others as you would like them to treat you.


There's nothing to agree with.

Look at Minidog's warning?

Do mods comments and warnings not mean anything to you, or anyone else?

Guess not. :rolleyes:

Yea I agree that it's time for you to move on a get over it. This is your 11th post out 12 that deals with this "issue". If you actually ingonored everyone's comments on this issue, which to my count was only 4, it would be over. but you feel the need to get all in an uproar and start accusing people of flaming. thus Acting like a spolied child not getting your weay.

Sorry bro tha's just the facts.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Oh man I'm tired of all this bitching and flaming here. It's always the same with religious related threads. Don't know why.

I'm too tired to check everything right now, but maybe someone will get hit by the ban hammer.


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