No Way

i not sure i mean i know black dude have huge dick but that is fake also. there no way there enough blood supply for that.


Closed Account
It looks quite real. They never show him from the front, so I can't say fo sho.
But I say it's real. Just imagine walking with that monster, or getting wood at innaproprate times!
I don't see why guys would want to have a dick that big anyway. You can't put it all the way into a woman and on top of that, you can't even get close to her. You have to stand on the other side of the room to fuck her... What the hell is that?!?!?1
I recall this dude had a webpage. And as far as I know he did some movies as well. This was however like 5-6 years ago. But I gonne see if I find the page, if it still exists.


Closed Account
The mOBSCENE said:
I don't see why guys would want to have a dick that big anyway. You can't put it all the way into a woman and on top of that, you can't even get close to her. You have to stand on the other side of the room to fuck her... What the hell is that?!?!?1

If you did stick it all the way in it would be a lethal weapon.
I wonder if he needs a permit for that thing?