no longet can you get a restraining order with a ged

So you've taken up posting while drunk, stoned and high on crank.

How nice for you, but horrible for the rest of us here.

Hope you get hit by a bus.



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Sweet more sage words of wisdom from you, how was your sabbatical?


Hiliary 2020
i was in a legal mess with an ex girlfriend once.
i had to take her to court for something, not criminal.
i followed procedure and filed the charges, but on the advice of a lawyer she went to the cops and and asked for a temporary retraining order.
the cops call a judge and boom, temp. restraining order AND my case gets dropped until the restraining order hearing is resolved.
butttttt, she doesnt show up, i'm in court all day while the judge is actually calling her cel phone over and over.
judge postpones the hearing, then i'm in court all day every 2 weeks for 2 months, and each time she never shows.
finally judge dismisses it , i proceed with the original charges and the cycle begins again......for almost 2 years.
the cops, the judges, the court all knew what was happening but they play along.
why? they want to finalize those restraining orders, justify their waste of tax money jobs.

moral of the story, restraining orders are bullshit, useless bullshit.
and besides, someones gonna hurt someone, do they really care if theres a piece of paper saying they cant go near the person?
