It's a paganistic holiday anyways William, I thought you might be against it.Nah, in a country with freedom I'd think it would be a choice to make... whatever, like bob mentioned, just toilet paper the school.
It was actually a Celtic agricultural festival that marked the end of the harvest season, it was called Samhain. The Church is responsible for appropriating it, changing the date to just before the Feast of All Souls Day and renaming it All Hallow's Eve. That is how the association with the after-life was accomplished. The candy is something that started in the middle ages when young boys would go from door to door offering prayers for the dead, for they were given what came to be known as Prayer Cakes. Over time, as people began to drift away from devout following, it degenerated into what we now know as Halloween. It has less to do with the so-called pagans than most people think.