Your post is a perfect exmaple of why the USA has never been as unpopular with other countries as it is now.
Who are the USA to decide the ''UN is useless''?
Who is the USA to decide that innocent civilians should die in pursuit of some so called greater common good?
Think it doesn't matter that the rest of the world is coming to hate the military bullyboy USA?
Your economy is billions upon billions of dollars in debt and, if you lose control of the world's oil supply, it will collapse.
That's why you're riding roughshod over Muslim sentiment by stationing oil companies and military airbases on the soil of any mercenary non-democracy like Saudi Arabia wthat will have you.
It can't last, the Middle East is sick of the USA, Europe is sick of the USA, and China is sick of the USA - in fact, once Bush's poodle Blair stands down and is replaced by the anti-USA Gordon brown, you'll have no friend left, not in Europe anyway.
Think that doens't matter?
Wait until they all stand up to you over your protectionist trade policies and start imposing economic sanctions on you.
The USA ecomoy is heading for depression (not recession, depression) and no one around the world will be lifting a finger to help you out.
That's the legacy Bush will leave you - economic ruin, the hatred of the rest of the world, and more terrorists than ever plotting to wreak devastation on your homeland.
Your post is a perfect exmaple of why the USA has never been as unpopular with other countries as it is now.
Who are the USA to decide the ''UN is useless''?
Who is the USA to decide that innocent civilians should die in pursuit of some so called greater common good?
Think it doesn't matter that the rest of the world is coming to hate the military bullyboy USA?
Your economy is billions upon billions of dollars in debt and, if you lose control of the world's oil supply, it will collapse.
That's why you're riding roughshod over Muslim sentiment by stationing oil companies and military airbases on the soil of any mercenary non-democracy like Saudi Arabia wthat will have you.
It can't last, the Middle East is sick of the USA, Europe is sick of the USA, and China is sick of the USA - in fact, once Bush's poodle Blair stands down and is replaced by the anti-USA Gordon brown, you'll have no friend left, not in Europe anyway.
Think that doens't matter?
Wait until they all stand up to you over your protectionist trade policies and start imposing economic sanctions on you.
The USA ecomoy is heading for depression (not recession, depression) and no one around the world will be lifting a finger to help you out.
That's the legacy Bush will leave you - economic ruin, the hatred of the rest of the world, and more terrorists than ever plotting to wreak devastation on your homeland.