Anyone gotta name for her?
Hm, considering nipples, the 80s tv series "Electric Blue" comes to my mind. UK members should know it. They had a comedy scene with housewives testing vibrators on that show. One of the babes had some nice big tits with incredibly swollen nipples. That was one of the first tv scenes I jerked off to and when I think of it...:rubbel:
I've been trying to find pics of her or at least her name since that day, but with no success yet.
Maybe one of you guys can help me! If I remember correctly, Vanessa del Rio hosted that episode.
I found her name a while ago, it is Louise Cohen. She was listed on the site I posted in the Mayfair files thread, but access to that site got restricted and now it even doesn't exist any longer, I guess.I think that her name on the show was Eilleen. I have been trying to track her down too.
They used to stock the Electric Blue vids in our local rental place but it appears thaey no longer do. I actually have a vid of her from the show on her own it's not very good quality though as it was taken from a degraded video tape I found that I recorded from the Adult Channel years ago.
I also have a portion of the bit you are referring to also.