Nikol / Andrea W / Andrea Wenclova / Andrea Randall / Courtney Lightspeed

It´s true, there´s a new set of NIkol at Just teen site dated on 11/08/08, the same day that that monkey wrote that lie. I dont know what kind of interest have that people on writting these things without confirmation. The train accident is dated on 7/08/08, four days before the new set of Nikol.
the "new" set is more than likely months old.but i honestly dont think she was involved in the accident,that just shows the degree of boredom some people reach.
Can I just bump this for a second, and ask a serious question.

1) Has anyone actually found out what her real name is?
2) Is it possible to track her or her agent down?
3) Is it true that she has retired? (new ones are probbally old then) How can I get a confirmation that she has?

somehow her funberry galery is gone!!! where she is in a hotle room and her hair looks quite white

does anybody know where I can find it?