Matt28; the answer to your question is...
Nikky Dream; (
I can't commend you enough for going the extra mile, and taking the trouble to post those pictures... it's a lot more than what the usual questioner would have done. (Or not done.) Yet, I spent so much time going through the [NOBABE]
Public Agent[/NOBABE] archives, thinking the first shot (with the green background) was from that series. (Guess I was fooled into thinking that because you had written [NOBABE]
PublicAgent[/NOBABE] first, and this was the first photograph... only later did I stupidly realize the name of the series was watermarked right on the picture.)
So since you had named her character's name as "
Nikky," I went through the actresses from that series beginning with "Nik"... and all the Niks were different ladies. (She was named "Niky" here, but the photo reference I came across was different than the hospital setting I was expecting, so I had bypassed it.) Boy, was it confusing. (I hope you... or anyone, I'm not choosy... can feel my pain.)
This is why whenever I post questions of my own, I try not to leave anything to chance - and I try to go the extra-extra mile of labeling the pictures too. (Fully aware as I am that I'm not the only idiot in this world.)
For the record, the second shot is from [NOBABE]
Fake Agent[/NOBABE] E394, a series not mentioned in Matt28's title, where her character's name was spelled as "
Nikki," and her [NOBABE]
Fake Taxi[/NOBABE] appearance (E189) was duplicated in [NOBABE]
Public Agent[/NOBABE] (E247); her character name was spelled as "
Niky" in both.