Here's the real deal with Nikki on springer:
Obviously she decided to do this herself, without asking phil flash or anyone else...because she probably was offered a good sum of money to do this ppv jerry springer video. She figured she could just do it, and not ask phil, then later give a statement saying she didn't get paid, it was all in fun, not planned or set up etc....
That way she figures she doesn't have to answer to phil about him getting a cut of it, since she's under contract with him...because she claims to have not been paid etc.
It obviously was setup, and she obviously got paid for it. she lives too far away from jerry springer to just happen to end up out at the JS show one day, coincidentely while this particular episode was taping. When you get tickets to JS you don't even know the topic till you get she definitely knew...this was no mistake, and not just for fun. If I were a member of her site, I'd be pissed.
She made a statement that she's still keeping her site NN and "classy". first off, her site and her were never "classy" in any way. This JS show appearance just proves that....and second of all, those of you who think her site will get better and nude from now on, think again! She only did JS topless for whatever she got paid, and said herself that she doesn't plan on changing her site.
Therefore, it's a waste of money to anyone who wants to see her nude, or thinks they will get to now because she did a JS topless appearance. You're better off buying the ppv video for $7, and watching that, then joining her NN, yet still trashy site.