
FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Guys, calm your tits. We got a mess of reports in the backend of people arguing and harassing. I even got people asking we delete the abrasive posts they made out of conscious and regret. Eyes on the tits, please. We're not OK with harassment. Again, let's enjoy the titties.

That is hot!!
How many topless pics in the set?
Topless video in this set?
Just the 1 pic, none in the video. I'm not really concerned about the speed of the updates like other people are and I appreciate that he's giving us what we all really want every few sets (better than never getting them). My only real complaint is that I wish he would've kept the video going when the tits come out. He seems very focused on the pictures and I know I'm not the only one who strongly prefers video since this isn't the 80s. Again I'm a happy member but it would be great to see more video
Remember the Megan Qt topless stash pictures?? In the description, Phil wrote something like, she might have noticed me zooming out while taking these pictures... We don't know how the shoot goes with non nude models.. I mean other than the 29 minutes topless video, all Nikki did was flash her tits for a couple of seconds in the videos... Guess Phil have only 3 types of videos : the tease ones with no nudity, the quick flash ones and the full topless for more than a minute ones..

This is a very dry spell.. Lets enjoy these quickies and hope Phil releases her dancing topless video for the new year or something
Just the 1 pic, none in the video. I'm not really concerned about the speed of the updates like other people are and I appreciate that he's giving us what we all really want every few sets (better than never getting them). My only real complaint is that I wish he would've kept the video going when the tits come out. He seems very focused on the pictures and I know I'm not the only one who strongly prefers video since this isn't the 80s. Again I'm a happy member but it would be great to see more video

Honestly that was more of an industry thing. In that era, porn hadn't really evolved to know what to produce for solo sites when it came to video. The type of solo fetish videos Nikki and others do today wasn't really a thing then. Videos from them were basically just a dude filming them doing a photo shoot. NN sites were a new thing and everyone was surprised they even worked. Credit to Phil, he really was the creator of that "era". As far as video vs. photos, photo quality was light years ahead of video quality. People also didn't have the internet connection to support downloading videos that were a 1+ gigs, let alone multiple of them. Even if the ideas were there, people didn't have access to camera equipment that did 1080 video nor did most people have bandwidth access to download them.
That's for sure. This is the stuff her fans want.

BTW, when I go to Phil's site to rejoin, it still shows this photo (set) as upcoming.
Unless I'm missing something (which is possible) I can't get to the link that show's Phil's story of the photoshoot, etc etc


It is at that. She looks beautiful.


Approved Content Owner
Thanks for the compliments on my work over the years. Yeah... back in those days we were still shooting video with small digital cameras. I had just got an actual big ass HD video camera around the time of this last set. It was the same shoot in which I shot Nikki's zip set #3 (white sheer top and lotion).

As far as complaints and what not. Man fuck. I don't really care if you think I can do this work in one day, two hours, or fifty frigging years. Everything takes time. Creative writing takes time... thumb for this, poster for that, promo gallery images. It's a lot of work. I keep telling myself I can do three sets a week... and every time I even try it ends up taking two to three days for one set. I am squeezing my work flows every day to get faster and faster. Trust me... things are going to become faster, but that is it's own process.

This set was the first set that I was able to start without any move out, divorce, kid summer, site design, code or update script wrenches thrown at me. With that in mind, I would say I did not do to bad.

And some things like writing and editing video cannot be done on the last hour of a work day. They have to be done with free hours of time and no distractions so that the creative process can be at it's best.

At least if you look at the site... it hasn't changed in several months. The design has settled, 99.9% of the code and script has settled. So my work focus is now able to change directions and focus almost entirely on content. But even then... this stuff does take time.

This post is kind of hasty... I have to put my son to bed and finish the description on this set :)


New Next Door Nikki - Platform Sneakers, Tight Jeans, & Topless-Ism

Gallery -

Gallery -


Approved Content Owner
That's for sure. This is the stuff her fans want.

BTW, when I go to Phil's site to rejoin, it still shows this photo (set) as upcoming.
Unless I'm missing something (which is possible) I can't get to the link that show's Phil's story of the photoshoot, etc etc


I fixed that "Next Nikki Update Section"... give it a refresh. Also, here is a direct link to the site preview page. The description is not complete. I plan to or hope to finish it tonight once I get my son to bed.
"As far as complaints and what not. Man fuck. I don't really care if you think I can do this work in one day, two hours, or fifty frigging years." Lol, yeah. Fuck these paying customers and their assumption that the content they're paying for will be posted on the promised date. What a twat.
I agree with everyone about the topless picture in the members section, it is a piece of art!

However the censored version is pretty damn spectacular too. The way the beams come off the nipples hiding the main attractions but still showing the rings, that is how censored photos should be done!

Kudos to the artist and the model!



Approved Content Owner
"As far as complaints and what not. Man fuck. I don't really care if you think I can do this work in one day, two hours, or fifty frigging years." Lol, yeah. Fuck these paying customers and their assumption that the content they're paying for will be posted on the promised date. What a twat.

The date is not a promise. It says Scheduled to be released. Um... sometimes schedules can be thrown off.
Maybe I should put an asterisk at the bottom with some small print saying that I reserve the right to change my plan/schedule times.

You are right... I should hit my deadlines. I have admitted that my track record sucks ass in that regard. But there are some things that can throw your train of normal life right off the fucking tracks. I think I have good cause for this last "missed promise". If you need to hear it again... it's called divorce-ism, move out-ism (MY SON), the dust settling after the move out. And the move out surprise was dropped on me literally the day I got back to the states after visiting my daughters in Europe. Yeah... I know. I HAD bad choices in women. Anyway... if you can just cut me some fucking slack... that would be nice.

I should be depressed as fuck and lying on the couch going oh whoa is me... but I am not. I am waking up and doing what the day forces me to do. And the past two to three weeks has been making the transistion for my son, as smooth as possible. And I am not dumb, I get that this is costing me money. I don't expect you to pay for nothing. So cancel. But don't call me a twat and all of this other shit.
Phil, you sort your business out first. I know what its like to go through a messy breakup (10 years with my ex). Stay strong and "see you on the other side Dr Venkman"
There is one thing we all can agree though... That one censored dazzling picture of Nikki, wiped out the gloomy atmosphere in this thread, at least temporarily..