Right. I can't check out all links in this site and find new pics, I just share photos that I find on the internet if I think they are cool. I don't have tons of money to call porn stars and take unique photos. I wish I could.
No one is asking you to check out all the links on this site. Look at like...one link on one post on the last page. Takes less than 5 seconds if you have a connection speed from less than 10 years ago. You post a single pic with loads of advertisements around it, and clicking anything on that page takes me everywhere I don't want to go and not to anything Nikki related. I've tried it from 4 different IP addresses to, so it's not just one browser configuration.
As for your business: good for you. I'm all for people finding ways to make money (legitimately), but you have been filling up pages on this thread with lots of what I just described in the previous paragraph. Seeing as how the same gallery is usually up 14 times before you post yours, you could do us all a favor and simply click one thing before putting something up. It would take you literally NO extra time.