You can BARLEY see anything. Meh. I much prefer the teaser nip and occasional full tit shots to the grainy, far way, obviously photoshoped "blur" filtered puss shot.
Allow me to disagree slightly with you BeatSauce, if you have an Iphone 4S (or 5) like me ...zoom in like crazy and with the Iphone's Retina screen, it's just... mindblowing <'''3 ❤❤❤ It doesn't look obviously photoshoped ''blur'' filtered to me, at least ...not on my Iphone 4S

It's just that... Nikki must have the tinyest puss I've ever seen and with the bush (Why do I have a feeling she intentionally let it grow for this set?

P loll)'ve got to force your eyes if you're not zooming ^^ XDD Don't get me wrong, I too, love the intentional nipples slips and full nipples shots but I adore puss shots like these ❤ In the End, I just love both ...I prefer neither and I'll be infinitely thankful and grateful for any slip of any kind the Tease Queen is willing to offer to her loyal XDDDD fans