Sorry for the nitpicking Brix but you mistakenly typed the same defense mode reply you usually give when we bitch, why the same boring update?
At present they are not shooting photos or videos for the website.. They are just uploading the content they already have in their HDD or somewhere..There was not a lot of editing needed for BTS stuffs. There was no need for creative thinking or out of the box ideas for this, do they?
I do share some of your frustration. The last update was alright but was not especially satisfying.
If my previous response seems programatic perhaps it's because of the frequency and consistency of the complaint and the fact that reality hasn't changed. I explained why the vids can't all be hum-dingers. Moreover, the number of really good videos is going to go down over time and it doesn't make any sense for mumblez to post them all at once. They aren't making more and there weren't a ton to begin with. At this time I have no reason to be optimistic that they will make anything new ever again. With that in mind whatever is being released is all there is: good, bad, and 'meh'.
I agree that it doesn't take much creativity to release what you've got, but if what you've got isn't overly exciting because of a lack of inspiration/creativity (which is pretty evident in the last vid and some others) you can't time travel to change what you've got. It is what it is. My response isn't a defence. At least it isn't a defence of them. If it is a defence it's of the reality of the situation and a call for people to be reasonable. That's it.
"So they should just post the good shit! Show us her pussy! Show her sucking cock!"
As coarse and stupid as ^that reads, I'm a caveman and I want that, too. After following this girl since 2004 my balls are 50 shades of blue, but I have no control nor influence over their decisions and neither does anyone else here. Saying what you want, demanding it, shaming them, criticizing them, is pointless at best and hurtful at worst. Disappointed or not, I've tried to comport myself in a less shitty way (that is, unless someone is also being objectively shitty to me to others) no matter how frustrated I may feel.
The fact is, any release you get now is because mumblez feels like posting it to give some love to the remaining diehards and make a few bucks. Your negative opinion doesn't matter as far as affecting the change you want. Your positive opinion is nice but also has minimal leverage - it just makes them feel better about they're doing.
If you cancel your sub, that diminishes their incentive and the possibility of further re-releases.
If you renew your sub, you reward status quo, whatever that happens to be that week, month, quarter (etc).
In terms of influencing their decisions with your negative opinion: you're in Fucksville.
Is getting something from the site better than nothing?...*shrugs*... that's up to you, really.
Just decide how you want to spend your cash and make peace with it.