Really good video, lot of cameltoe in the last minute(s)... And she always look great when she wears mesh...
Over a decade and a half and never once a slingshot bikini. And yes, I requested one before.
Bah... I am not in competition with Nikki over who's content is better or can be better. She wins hands down... I had her for a time, at which her "willingness" to shoot great shit was low... now she is shooting better stuff and is more willing, good for her. I wish her success and I have no ill will.
I will say one egotistical statement though, I could shoot all of that stuff she shoots now way better. No offense to Mumblez... but I was born to do this.
Before anyone get's their tighty whitey's into a wedgie, I already expect a backlash from half of you... and the other half will be amused... that's just the way it is. So be it.
Now I announce the "next N e x t D o o r N i k k i shoot" with phil. Date to be determined...
"The next next door nikki shoot" with Phil.... that sure sounds like what he's saying
Check his site. He will release his "new" outtakes or upgraded stuff soon... as soon as next week or as xmas, who knows.
"The next next door nikki shoot" with Phil.... that sure sounds like what he's saying
I don't think hell has frozen over yet.
Lol would you be against it though?
Against it? Of course not. I think that would be great. I just don't see her going out of her way to do that. Perhaps if Phil came to their Studio she might go for it.
Well as Phil "said", there's much to come... And really want to see the shoot with her BF... As much as the sextape of Kate's Playground. Maybe one day...