Love what you do, my man. But, for all that you do, please make sure your website loads faster. It's so slow!
Love what you do, my man. But, for all that you do, please make sure your website loads faster. It's so slow!
New Gallery
Nikki Sims: Bubble Bikini
lol, did they just shop her pussy out of this pic?
My visual forensics examination of the graphic leads to that same conclusion.
My visual forensics examination of the graphic leads to that same conclusion.
That shop was totally unnecessary and extremely lame. In the painting video, Nikki showed her full pussy, people LOVED it, calling the video "the best she ever made" ...and now this. I LOVE Nikki, she has been one of my favorite model for the last 12 years but GOD is she frustrating at times! Content is not constant, one step closer, two steps back, one step closer, two steps back. Wouldn't it be nice if it was not that way? Would it not be about time?
if you guys like treasure hunts I may have found one you will like. One of Nikki's discontinued sites is Nikki's forum, if you bring it up go to the mumblez page and on the top is gifts for joey, 3rd one in marked nikki, now I'm not saying it is definitely the lady herself, but, one, the fingernails are her trademark white, two if you click on the name it goes straight to Nikki's page on the site, three, wives don't usually send Hubby pics like that of another woman. Apologies if this find has been aired before, I have looked but nothing came to light, anyway if I'm right I think it can be termed a WOW moment.
if you guys like treasure hunts I may have found one you will like. One of Nikki's discontinued sites is Nikki's forum, if you bring it up go to the mumblez page and on the top is gifts for joey, 3rd one in marked nikki, now I'm not saying it is definitely the lady herself, but, one, the fingernails are her trademark white, two if you click on the name it goes straight to Nikki's page on the site, three, wives don't usually send Hubby pics like that of another woman. Apologies if this find has been aired before, I have looked but nothing came to light, anyway if I'm right I think it can be termed a WOW moment.