Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
I might be a bit confused Nikki, and I find the whole topic facinating, so perhaps you can enlighten me. Are you saying that people who resort to name calling, and who refer to other human beings as assholes aren't spewing toxic crap themselves, and, that doesn't make them just as miserable as the ones they are attacking? Besides, I would think someone as caring as yourself would be interested in finding out why someone was seemingly so miserable and what could be done to turn that around, if it's possible, so you wouldn't have to deal with it if it affects you so much. Seems a bit contradictory if you ask me.
Nikki, I've always found that spreading positive energy is a two-way street, and when one resorts to spreading negative energy, regardless of the reason, it only leads to more negative energy. Just some constructive criticism, but I would imagine the best way to destroy negative energy is by attacking it with love, kindness, and pure positive energy. I wouldn't imagine ignoring it, being dismissive, or attacking it with more negativity like name calling would be overly successful. Everyone has people who don't like them, or find faults in them, or they don't agree with, but that doesn't automatically make them assholes. It seems to me that you are equating the two. Surrounding oneself with cronies might seem cool for a spell, but it only leads to an unrealistic and distorted outlook on life and the world around them. Besides, daring to be honest doesn't automatically equate to negative energy either. I realize this site is all about fantasy, but there are some realists who visit here too. Is pseudo-positive energy that's based in mindless drivel really worth very much?
Now I certainly hope you weren't trying to call me an asshole. You did use the word smart, so I can't imagine you were talking about anyone who posts on here, or at least there wouldn't be too many who fit the mold. I was only trying to congratulate you, but in an honest way. You honestly hadn't been nominated like in 2 months until the last two weeks, and even this week it was at the last minute. And the common theme for voting for you was the fact that it was your birthday. I would think someone as big as you would realize what OOTW, and all of the little voting contests are all about, and not take it so seriously. Winning with 4 votes probably says it all. Hell, I don't think someone could get elected State Shit Taster with only 4 votes. Besides, It's not like there's 44,000 active members on here or anything. Probably most of the girls who really deserve to win OOTW never get nominated, and have no chance of winning because of the simple fact that their fans and followers don't even know about the thread. Now Nikki, you go and win OCSM of the Year in Miss Freeones, that would be impressive.
Nikki, I need to say this, and I'm not the only one who feels this way, but the level of over the top brown nosing that goes on on here by a select few is a bit of a turn off. That's why I don't post in here more often, and I know several others who feel the same way. I was relieved when Jon S. got banned, because I thought things would be different in here, but it's basically the same with certain other members doing the same things. I can't speak for everyone, but I would imagine most normal adult males are turned off by silly over the top drivel. It's like you can't post anything without a certain member posting a reply to 2 or more of them. That wouldn't be so bad if it were rare, and the replies weren't such mindless drivel. It's like a few members seem too attached to you, and that ruins it for everyone else. Like one can wish you a happy birthday without some silly spin on it. To me, things are more meaningful when they're from the heart and not so contrived and forced. Constant fawning is ok, but that's what PMs are for. How many times and in how many ways on an almost daily basis can someone say you're the greatest before it becomes redundant?
only 5% or so are jerks but yes...they such a pain in the ass and ruin it for everyone else. I will never understand it. I know happy people don't act like that. Only miserable people do BUT a smart miserable person at least understands that acting like an asshole is not going to make him or his life any better or happier. Given that logical deduction this must mean that the assholes that do just spew out a bunch of toxic crap and go out of their way to try to make others just as miserable means that we are dealing witha really "special" kind of asshole. I just try to steer clear.
There are several girls who deserve it but they are also already a big part of things on there. I mean hell I think there are girls that deserve it more than me. I tend to stick to my thread to avoid the afore mentioned "special" types and most people don't even know about this thread so...the girls who spread themselves around all over the board certainly deserve some serious recognition.
I might be a bit confused Nikki, and I find the whole topic facinating, so perhaps you can enlighten me. Are you saying that people who resort to name calling, and who refer to other human beings as assholes aren't spewing toxic crap themselves, and, that doesn't make them just as miserable as the ones they are attacking? Besides, I would think someone as caring as yourself would be interested in finding out why someone was seemingly so miserable and what could be done to turn that around, if it's possible, so you wouldn't have to deal with it if it affects you so much. Seems a bit contradictory if you ask me.
Nikki, I've always found that spreading positive energy is a two-way street, and when one resorts to spreading negative energy, regardless of the reason, it only leads to more negative energy. Just some constructive criticism, but I would imagine the best way to destroy negative energy is by attacking it with love, kindness, and pure positive energy. I wouldn't imagine ignoring it, being dismissive, or attacking it with more negativity like name calling would be overly successful. Everyone has people who don't like them, or find faults in them, or they don't agree with, but that doesn't automatically make them assholes. It seems to me that you are equating the two. Surrounding oneself with cronies might seem cool for a spell, but it only leads to an unrealistic and distorted outlook on life and the world around them. Besides, daring to be honest doesn't automatically equate to negative energy either. I realize this site is all about fantasy, but there are some realists who visit here too. Is pseudo-positive energy that's based in mindless drivel really worth very much?
Now I certainly hope you weren't trying to call me an asshole. You did use the word smart, so I can't imagine you were talking about anyone who posts on here, or at least there wouldn't be too many who fit the mold. I was only trying to congratulate you, but in an honest way. You honestly hadn't been nominated like in 2 months until the last two weeks, and even this week it was at the last minute. And the common theme for voting for you was the fact that it was your birthday. I would think someone as big as you would realize what OOTW, and all of the little voting contests are all about, and not take it so seriously. Winning with 4 votes probably says it all. Hell, I don't think someone could get elected State Shit Taster with only 4 votes. Besides, It's not like there's 44,000 active members on here or anything. Probably most of the girls who really deserve to win OOTW never get nominated, and have no chance of winning because of the simple fact that their fans and followers don't even know about the thread. Now Nikki, you go and win OCSM of the Year in Miss Freeones, that would be impressive.
Nikki, I need to say this, and I'm not the only one who feels this way, but the level of over the top brown nosing that goes on on here by a select few is a bit of a turn off. That's why I don't post in here more often, and I know several others who feel the same way. I was relieved when Jon S. got banned, because I thought things would be different in here, but it's basically the same with certain other members doing the same things. I can't speak for everyone, but I would imagine most normal adult males are turned off by silly over the top drivel. It's like you can't post anything without a certain member posting a reply to 2 or more of them. That wouldn't be so bad if it were rare, and the replies weren't such mindless drivel. It's like a few members seem too attached to you, and that ruins it for everyone else. Like one can wish you a happy birthday without some silly spin on it. To me, things are more meaningful when they're from the heart and not so contrived and forced. Constant fawning is ok, but that's what PMs are for. How many times and in how many ways on an almost daily basis can someone say you're the greatest before it becomes redundant?