That's interesting, and ironic to me....You want to hear another interesting story? My mother's middle name is Nancy, and she has ALWAYS gone by Nancy (or D. Nancy) since before she was even in school.....but her actual 1st name is Darlene. Heck even her SS Card, Drivers License, insurance cards, etc. say D. Nancy. But she had a "mild" stroke back in '08, and when she was admitted into the hospital, evidently somehow they got her actual 1st name out of her before she got really bad. Well, now most of her recent medical records have her down as Darlene, and you can just imagine how confused that has a stroke didn't do enough to her thinking ability. It's kind of funny....I usually am the one who picks her up and takes her to the doctors when she has to go.....and like everytime, when they ask her what her name is, she looks at me....because she's not sure if she should say Nancy, which, like I said, she has ALWAYS gone by, or Darlene, which is her actual 1st name! Ha ha ha! Good thing that regardless of what they put her down as....her insurance claims always go though okay anyway. Ha ha ha!