
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Awww. Thank you sweetie for that incredible compliment. I would like to take the "lesser mortals" part out though. You guys are amazing and I am just as flawed as any other human being on our silly planet. Very kind of you however and much appreciated.
Nikki Nova
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Hey Nikki you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Nikki.

Just wanted to let you know, you have been my favourite viewing pleasure for many years. The search for the holy grail (a hardcore Nikki Nova set) has been over for me for a good while now. As I get older it seems less important, just as long as you continue to share your fine form with us lesser mortals!

x x


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

If only I had that problem. Too many thoughts. So much to say. Total opposite. The A.D.D. part I can kind of relate to though. I'm not actually A.D.D. but I do need more focus and discipline for sure.
Nikki Nova
My mind is always racing but nothing really sticks for too long and that is why I often have a hard time articulating. Believe me Nikki, you are far more focused then a I am and a lot of people I know, for that matter. Anywho take it easy sweetie and have a good night.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Me too. A car battery is a really odd thing to go door to door selling. It's not the kind of thing one "stocks up on" or buys on a whim like girl scout cookies, candy, magazines etc and so on . It's one of those things that people usually don't think about until they need to. God bless him though. At least he is out there taking some initiative. My only question is...why aren't the candy.cookie pushers? I could use some Samoas right about now. Girl Scouts can be neglectful little bitches. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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you know what? i think youre right

if he sells any of them, id also admire his salesmanship.


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Me too. A car battery is a really odd thing to go door to door selling. It's not the kind of thing one "stocks up on" or buys on a whim like girl scout cookies, candy, magazines etc and so on . It's one of those things that people usually don't think about until they need to. God bless him though. At least he is out there taking some initiative. My only question is...why aren't the candy.cookie pushers? I could use some Samoas right about now. Girl Scouts can be neglectful little bitches. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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those lazy little whores! dont they know that they should be out on the streets pushing their wares? people need their fix. its all a scam. trying to make us crave their thin mints so we'll pay whatever they want.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

There is no full set to share. These were pics taken many years ago just me and an ex goofing around. There's no full nudity on his part and no actual sex of any kind. It's basically just a few pics that were taken as a joke/teaser and there is no legal release of any kind and therefore they are not public domain and and are personal ...simply "R" rated pics that you are posting illegally....just FYI
Nikki Nova
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But you have to admit, photos look hot. Well, you look hot, sexy and perfect all the time, Nikki. I also love the hoodie pics.:)
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

nicki i been a big fan of u fo likez 10 yrz or so and dayyyyyuuuummmm n let me tell yaz dat fo 33 u fine az hellz mama! u almost even better dan a bucket of da colonelz secret resipe at chrismaz! dayyyyyummmm! fo yo age u fine az hellz!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

dayyyyuuuuummmmm u aint shitten take! i allmost split my hen in 2! def got a rise in my levis tho!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I can guarantee you "chicklvr69" that many of my regular thread visitors or people that know me well foresaw this post coming. First let me just say that as much as I appreciate your compliment, I can't help but question what kind of fan of....10 yrs was it?'t know how to spell my name?
It's NIKKI. lol
Ok now as far as the next part about me being fine as hell "fo my age"
do me and every other woman and favor and please read the following blog entry. It is an education to ALL men. You are not being singled out as I realize that you are being playful and really probably do/did mean this as a compliment which I do appreciate 100%. Big Love to you sugar. xoxo
Now please READ this!!!!!....

Nikki Nova
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nicki i been a big fan of u fo likez 10 yrz or so and dayyyyyuuuummmm n let me tell yaz dat fo 33 u fine az hellz mama! u almost even better dan a bucket of da colonelz secret resipe at chrismaz! dayyyyyummmm! fo yo age u fine az hellz!


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

nicki i been a big fan of u fo likez 10 yrz or so and dayyyyyuuuummmm n let me tell yaz dat fo 33 u fine az hellz mama! u almost even better dan a bucket of da colonelz secret resipe at chrismaz! dayyyyyummmm! fo yo age u fine az hellz!

english speak man!! not strange spelling!!! read rules!!!!!1


I must possess all, or I possess nothing.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I can guarantee you "chicklvr69" that many of my regular thread visitors or people that know me well foresaw this post coming. First let me just say that as much as I appreciate your compliment, I can't help but question what kind of fan of....10 yrs was it?'t know how to spell my name?
It's NIKKI. lol
Ok now as far as the next part about me being fine as hell "fo my age"
do me and every other woman and favor and please read the following blog entry. It is an education to ALL men. You are not being singled out as I realize that you are being playful and really probably do/did mean this as a compliment which I do appreciate 100%. Big Love to you sugar. xoxo
Now please READ this!!!!!....

Nikki Nova
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Hey Nikki,
I wouldn't worry about his comments. The user's account is quite clearly a parody/character/throwaway account. Their avatar and their username is reference to an episode where a librarian fucked chickens. I wholy doubt anyone could be that inept in the english language, yet capable of finding and signing up to a forum such as this! :D. Don't feed the troll!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I appreciate that honey but trust me I do NOT always look hot. haha. If only you could see me now and NO I am NOT taking pic. hahaha. I am up with insomnia. I am in army green thermal underwear and a grey tank top with no make up and deep conditioner in my hair with a shower cap on over it and a knit beanie over that to create heat for absorbtion. Gots to keep the hair silky. It's a lot of work being a I finished all of my articles for the magazines and turned them in tonight. I haven't had ANY caffiene since early this morning and yet...I just can't sleep. I have the ocassional night time anxiety and tonight I am having it. It's mild tonight but it's one of those nights where I can't stop thinking about stuff and in certain respects I am borderline paranoid at this point. In the past 24 hours I have had several illegal pics posted in my thread. I have gotten them all removed but one so far but it has been reported. Some were joke photos taken with an ex of mine from 11 years ago! They were private and he wasn't even naked but how in the fuck did someone get a hold of them and why are they being passed around the internet illegally? No releases. No ID's and no permission. That's like someone going into your home and taking private pics from your photos album and posting them online against your will. It's a massive violation of not only your privacy but THE LAW! In addition to that I now have some other person posting pics that I own the rights to for my site EXCLUSIVELY and they are posted on some fucking site called milf something or another illegally?! Did I just get called a fucking milf ON TOP of having my photos robbed from me?! WTF?! Milf is "mom I'd like to fuck". I am NOT a mom and that term has always creeped me out. I would rather be called a slut than a fucking milf for fuck sake! GROSS!!! Now on top of that you might also remember the post I made when it was Vanilla DeVille's birthday and people were saying she was "still hot". If you don't remember it then look at my previous post in this thread and click on the link I posted for chickenlvr69.
I got SO MANY messages and emails from women in the biz thanking me SO MUCH for finally saying that. It was like a took a load off of their shoulders and said what they were affraid to. I have had NO PROBLEMS for months and now all of a sudden several times in less than 2 days from sveral different sources. It feels like the more my thread catches on or is gaining attention or God forbid the more I talk about the changes I am making in my life to vere it in a different direction I get these people that just want to irritate me and make it as difficult as possible. Kind of like their way of saying " NO..this is who you are and we define it and you have no say in the matter."
I'm sure I am just overthinking it and it possibly is just a co-incidence but's annoying me and now it's off my chest.
What do you guys think? Do you think I am being oversensitive and overthinking or is it in fact kind of an "odd" co-incidence?
Nikki Nova
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But you have to admit, photos look hot. Well, you look hot, sexy and perfect all the time, Nikki. I also love the hoodie pics.:)


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You're probably right. I can admittedly be overly sensitive sometimes and of course in times of stress it hightens my sensitivty and lowers my patience level. I have all of those ingredients going on right now. Hey I am human just like everyone else here and I am not always as patient or as strong as I would like to be or as is often required in this line of work especially with the changes in the industry over the past 5 years. You are witnessing a weak and fragile Nikki Nova moment. Try not to think less of me? lol
Nikki Nova
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Hey Nikki,
I wouldn't worry about his comments. The user's account is quite clearly a parody/character/throwaway account. Their avatar and their username is reference to an episode where a librarian fucked chickens. I wholy doubt anyone could be that inept in the english language, yet capable of finding and signing up to a forum such as this! :D. Don't feed the troll!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Are you speaking of the messiah or the antichrist? hahaha
I personally am holding out for aliens. I think they might have more to offer me as far as what I relate to. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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Quite sorry my good man! Also a thousand pardons NIKKI!!!:hatsoff:

Remember, all will become clear when HE returns!!!

He's coming you know!?!?!?


Official Checked Star Member


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I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey Nikki,
I wouldn't worry about his comments. The user's account is quite clearly a parody/character/throwaway account. Their avatar is a redneck character from southpark and their username is reference to an episode where a librarian fucked chickens. I wholy doubt anyone could be that inept in the english language, yet capable of finding and signing up to a forum such as this! :D. Don't feed the troll!

Thanks for the explanation. That makes his spelling and continuous references to KFC, chicken and turkey make sense now.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok SERIOUSLY!!!!! Now I KNOW I am being fucked with. THIS bitch is NOT me. She looks NOTHING LIKE ME and this is becoming REALLY fucking transparent at this point! My thread is getting more and more attention and people are wanting to use it as a tool to promote their own bullshit fucking sites. NO people. Go look at the beginning of my thread. This is MY OFFICIAL THREAD! This is a place for people to come and interract with me and get to know me and no spamming for other sites and no shit talking and no being rude to me or other members. It's really fucking simple. Why is it so hard for some to understand and why in the fuck are so many peope all of a sudden coming on here in less than 2 days doing the same shit over and over ALL OF A SUDDEN??!!
Do you guys see what I mean now?
I am NOT just being paranoid?!
Nikki Nova
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Cupcakes can be hot...anything w/ you is always sexy! Love it Nikki!