
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I wasn't mad at anyone. I was just confused as hell.
Nikki Nova

thank you, Larss. that was exactly the problem.

You should be mad at freeones for making is so i cant use the word miss with your name. im sorry for any confusion. i normally try to check the post for any major problems, but it looked like i missed one. sorry


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Stop apologizing. U didn't do anything wrong. It's just not a convo I can get into so I wasn't really jumping in and didn't want to interrupt the flow. That's the only problem with stuff like that. hahaha
Ok so...question for you guys. Television. What are your thoughts? I mean i persoannly don't have tv because that's the only thing I can honestly say I have an addiction/problem with. If a TV is on I can not tear away from it. I will watch anything. Even an infomercial I have seen 1000 times for a product I have zero interest in. It's a pretty gay addiction huh? Most ppl have drinking,drug. shopping,gambling,sex addictions. I have a television set but I only use it to watch the occasional movie. I personally think TV is a huge waste of time...even the news. I mean it's not like the news is even really the news anyhow. Esp not in the U.S. That being said I do have a Dexter addiction and God Bless the internet for allowing me to still watch that show. I also love Man VS. Wild and The Daily Show.
Any other Dexter fans here?
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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Nikki, sorry for all of the hockey talk in your know how it is when the "brains of the operation" is away (you)! It has been kind of dead on the boards the last few ya know! For the record, unlike some guys, I'm not a sports addict! I never understood people who can watch sports just for the sake of watching sports (Hell my mother is even that bad.....ha ha ha)! I have my teams that, when they are on, I watch, otherwise......blah....who cares!

Now, to hopefully bring a little laughter into your well as the lives of the members of "Nikki Nova Nation" (N cubed if you will......can't type N to the 3rd power like I want to).

Sesame Street is campaigning to get Cookie Monster as the host of Saturday Night Live (SNL) much like the campaign that was successful for Betty White earlier. They even created a Facebook page for the campaign (over 121,000 "likes" and counting)!

Here is a link (click on Cookie Monster's picture when you go to the link) to the video of the "audition tape" that they created for Cookie Monster:

It's actually really cute/funny.....even for people who don't even like Cookie Monster (don't know who wouldn't like him though)! He spoofs "MacGruber" and "Lady GaGa" to name a few of the short skits! The video runs about 4 mins.


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I watch hockey ,,,,, :o hehehehehe ,,,,, sorry ,, not trying to start that up again ... just being honest ....:)


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I will admit to watching to much television as well. I am also the type that will have it on even when not paying attention to it for the background noise. And if its Saturday during college football season I will be watching it all day. And if I must will admit to watching South Park as well, and since it was mentioned I will watch some hockey as well.

But would you believe I got hooked on hockey while stationed in Puerto Rico


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Not anyone who's being honest anyway! I grew up on Cookie Monster & Sesame Street, and, though I obviously don't watch it anymore, I still have a soft spot for Cookie Monster & the rest of them! I for one would love to see them let Cookie Monster host SNL!

Cookie Monster on SNL, I might actually watch SNL again and it might actually be funny. watched his audition on youtube and it was awesome

C is for Cookie and goddamnit thats good enough for me
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Cookie Monster on SNL, I might actually watch SNL again and it might actually be funny. watched his audition on youtube and it was awesome

C is for Cookie and goddamnit thats good enough for me

Maybe Cookie can do a 'cheeseburger' skit......


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Walking Dead was good, slow but good. Breaking Bad has been cool although i havent seen the third season yet. Community is very funny.

honestly theres very little you cant see if you have an internet connection


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Maybe Cookie can do a 'cheeseburger' skit......

id like to see him as out of context as possible, where youre sitting there going what the fuck is Cookie Monster doing in this skit?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Maybe Cookie can do a 'cheeseburger' skit......

You have to check out his "audition tape" that I posted earlier. He actually does a Lady Gaga spoof called "Monster Gaga," all dressed in dress made of cookies (instead of meat), singing and everything! It really is funny. I don't watch SNL much at all anymore, but for Cookie Monster.....might have to check that out!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Lady Gaga is one of those things that I just ....don't get. I feel that way about most radio top 40 however. Don't even get me started on Nickelback. That's just an insult to rock.
Oh this reminds me Vern! You and I were loosely discussing all girl rock bands and I said I loved L7 and the Runaways. You had mentioned a few as well. We BOTH forgot to mention the Donna's and if we are going back to the '80's...well...ya kind of have to give it up for the Go Go's. I mean come on. They were pop and not rock true....but they're the Go Go's dammit. hahaha
Nikki Nova
You have to check out his "audition tape" that I posted earlier. He actually does a Lady Gaga spoof called "Monster Gaga," all dressed in dress made of cookies (instead of meat), singing and everything! It really is funny. I don't watch SNL much at all anymore, but for Cookie Monster.....might have to check that out!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok so...question for you guys. Television. What are your thoughts? I mean i persoannly don't have tv because that's the only thing I can honestly say I have an addiction/problem with. If a TV is on I can not tear away from it. I will watch anything. Even an infomercial I have seen 1000 times for a product I have zero interest in. It's a pretty gay addiction huh? Most ppl have drinking,drug. shopping,gambling,sex addictions. I have a television set but I only use it to watch the occasional movie. I personally think TV is a huge waste of time...even the news. I mean it's not like the news is even really the news anyhow. Esp not in the U.S. That being said I do have a Dexter addiction and God Bless the internet for allowing me to still watch that show. I also love Man VS. Wild and The Daily Show.
Any other Dexter fans here?
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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I share that same addiction, and am trying to move myself off it for obvious reasons. My weakness is old sitcoms and dramas from the 60's and 70's. I love shows like Kojak, The Rockford Files, All in the Family, The Jeffersons, Sanford and Son, I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched, I Love Lucy (ok that's from the 50's, but it still holds up) etc. I also watch The Daily Show and Real Time With Bill Maher (still miss Politically Incorrect), and the occasional show on MSNBC.......basically news/current events oriented.....but no so much "hard news." I like to watch the occasional movie long as I haven't seen it 100 times already....or not recently anyway! On top of that, I like to watch "adult oriented" animated programs like King of the Hill, The Simpsons, South Park, and Futurama! Used to watch Family Guy......but there are only so many bodily waste, pedophilia, homosexual, matricidal infant jokes a man can take before it gets old.....ha ha ha! On top of that, I like to watch the occasional doccumentary and some old "Britcoms" from the BBC. I guess you could say that, much like my tastes in music, my tastes in television shows is quite eclectic! I can't just watch anything.....but my tastes are various! Just like sports, if the Steelers, Penguins, Pirates, or Pitt Panthers are on, I'll watch.....but not just any old game just to watch sports.

What I really DISLIKE is much that has polluted our airwaves recently....namely so-called "reality tv." I mean come on, aren't we being dumbed enough than being spoon fed garbage programs as if they are reality? The shows are essentially scripted and edited so much, that the only reality is that they don't use professional actors. Not to mention all of the unskilled people who are made "famous" simply for being "famous!" Some of the shows on Tru Tv (used to be Court Tv) in primetime are so BAD that only a moron would believe that it is reality. Anyone knows that when you bring cameras into the picture.......reality goes out the window (aside from maybe Candid Camera)! I've flipped passed C-Span and C-Span 2 enough to see someone giving a most passionate speech to a virtually empty chamber in the middle of the night (during open speech time....or whatever it is called). Would he have been as passionate at 2 am if the camera wasn't there? The only reality in reality tv is that it is REALLY FAKE!

I also don't care for anything on the Fox News Channel, where you have "neo-cons for pay" (when money is we really know where anyone stands?) firing up the baser instincts that reside in a certain part of our population. I respect people who have honest differences with my opinions/positions and can back them up.......but much of what is aired on Faux News is really what I would call "pornography," and it has the potential to do far more damage if the wrong person's "buttons are pushed!"

I guess to sum it up, my tastes are eclectic (music too) when it comes to television.......and I am working through that addiction.....but it isn't going as good as my caffeine addiction (haven't had any of that since 10/27)! I figure when I am cleared to hit the gym regularly, then I get back to work, my television viewing will start to go down.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Lady Gaga is one of those things that I just ....don't get. I feel that way about most radio top 40 however.

If you saw his "Monster Gaga," you would see that the people at Sesame Street obviously agree with you (and many other people)....ha ha ha! He sings lyrics like "blah blah blah....cookie face......blah blah blah....cookie face" (or something like that)!

The sad thing is that MTV 1st, and then Auto-Tune ruined music. To top that off, this 24-7 media monster we have rewards people who are basically limited talent wise, simply for acting like a freak in a desperate attempt to get attention. Today's music is more about how weird you can act, and how you look, than it is whether or not you can....God forbid.....actually sing (which with auto-tune.....the world may never know)! I don't see many, if any, of today's "artists" having much staying power of more than 3-5 years tops! It's more about the flavor of the week these days! That's probably why music sales are so singles driven these days (as opposed to full albums)! Guess that's why I have so much "old" music on my iPod Touch, and very little "newer" stuff.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Lady Gaga is one of those things that I just ....don't get. I feel that way about most radio top 40 however. Don't even get me started on Nickelback. That's just an insult to rock.
Oh this reminds me Vern! You and I were loosely discussing all girl rock bands and I said I loved L7 and the Runaways. You had mentioned a few as well. We BOTH forgot to mention the Donna's and if we are going back to the '80's...well...ya kind of have to give it up for the Go Go's. I mean come on. They were pop and not rock true....but they're the Go Go's dammit. hahaha
Nikki Nova

GoGo's were a great all girl rock band( They play their own instruments. They are a rock band)

I like The Donna's but I only like a few of their songs

Other all girl rock bands I think you might like

Babes in Toyland(There from my home State. We may have shitty Weather but we got some good bands)

Sleater Kinney( A great band that most people probably never heard of)

Peaches( I know she is Electronic, and not a band but she rocks harder than any of the top 40 shit you hear on the radio. She is what you play when you and your gal want to get down and dirty. She gets a double post)



Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

random humor

" If "Deep Blue Sea" taught us anything about hyper-intelligent army-trained sharks, it's that only L.L. Cool J is safe. " Stephen Colbert

hahahahaha. I follow him on twitter and he makes me laugh. I love him a little. hahahaha
Nikki Nova


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

more tweets by Stephen Colbert

"Freedom is just another word for nothing else to lose. But in a pinch, "loganberry" will also work. Look it up. "

"Tonight, I'll see if Steve Martin is a real art expert. I'm making him take that Tippy the Turtle drawing test. "

" Who runs the cantaloupe lobby? Because they've done a great job getting them representation in the fruit salad industry."

"For Christmas this year I gave half my staff iPads and the other half switchblades. Let's see what happens! "

hahahahahahah. Am I the only one here with this sense of humor? Cuz I will stop. .....Wait! No. This is MY THREAD dammit! hahahahah
Nikki Nova