
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the REAL Nikki Nova!!!

I did that as a joke obviously. 1978 was the year I was born. It's just me being silly.

Member 1098

Closed Account
Nikki, you're a awesome girl.
Continue to make more successes sweetie. I will always support you, and you do wonderful job. :thumbsup::hatsoff:
Don't worry, ingore the jackasses, mean people and whatnot. You're a cool person. :)
Re: the REAL Nikki Nova!!!

Well, at least you know I read it! Whatever your age, I like your looks. Thanks for all the times you've posed.


Official Checked Star Member
Great links everyone! Yes I know there are plenty of people on here that just like to talk trash. Believe me. They are usually people that don't have a lot of power in their personal lives so they like to hide behind their computers and assert some power on women that ...ket's be honest...would never give them the time of day. I realize that sound skind of bitchy..but it's also just honest. I see what a lot of the people post on here about models and port stars and just slamming or criticising them in some way and sometimes it's just awful! I have no tolerance for people like that. What does that accomplish? It's much more of a window into the type of person that they are. It doesn't make the people look bad that they tear into. It makes themselves look like shitty people period. There are some GREAT people on this board/forum. I am so thankful that I have met so many of them. Now when I say that I don't mean all of the people that are fans of mine or just think I'm so great. I mean just great,nice,friendly,no bullshit people that have something to say and are friendly and don't create un-necessary drama. To all of you who understand the importance of spreading positive energy...bless you! By the sure to check out by daily blog. Great pics and video clips for free along with all kinds of news and info etc
Nikki Nova
Re: the REAL Nikki Nova!!!

Thanks for posting Nikki.

I have been a fan of yours since the early 2000.

Question, are you friends with "Sadie Atkins"....I have always wanted to work with her but never got the chance.
Nikki is one of my all time favorites. My birthday is tomorrow and she is older than I am. She looks about 10 years younger than she really is. So hot!