Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good luck with the show, Vern. Hope Nikki can grant your wish.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You'll have to ask afterlights about that one...unless you're tallking about in Silver Screen.
Well, it WAS a movie reference, but one that I thought someone named Elwood would have at least picked up on... ;)

Point is, whatever the flavor or whatever the setting, Nikki's pics are simply (and definitively) hot.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow Nikki I had no idea that you had powers to grant wishes. Apearntly Vegans have more power than I thought.

Hmmm Well I wish for a succsessful show Weds night. Random members of other bands will be checking me out and I'm nervous about a drum duet I get to do with Tracy from rebel Queens. We only practiced together once.
Well one practice is iffy BUT just do what Kiss did through th decades. If ytou make mistakes then just make the SHOW the entre' so the music is more of a side dish and they won't focus as much on the mistake? Juist feel it and go with it. YOu'll be fine...and we WANT video!!!

what if someone wishes for a kiss from Nikki Nova? lol ;)
Depends on the person...and the kind of kiss they're wishing for. ha ha

well now i have to think of some, but sexy Nikki candids are always on my wishlist so thank you for that.

right now lets focus on Vern's show. i hope he sets something on fire
I do what I can jitna and yes VERN we are WITH YOU!!!
Good luck with the show, Vern. Hope Nikki can grant your wish.
I'm not the all powerful OZ or anything but for this...IK don;t need to be. He's got this ;)
Nikki Nova
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well, it WAS a movie reference, but one that I thought someone named Elwood would have at least picked up on... ;)

Point is, whatever the flavor or whatever the setting, Nikki's pics are simply (and definitively) hot.
Oh duh! That went way over my head too. afterlights I like the cut of your job! xo

I can't find a decent clip of "Vegan Police" from Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. :(
Never seen it. Is it worth me looking into the film or is that just a funny clip?

Elwood bringin' it on home. Do the damn thang! xoxo
Nikki Nova
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ho hum.jpg
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hump day for the rest of the world, Thursday for guys like Dazza and me hahaha :)

Nikki's hitting the gym right now!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well one practice is iffy BUT just do what Kiss did through th decades. If ytou make mistakes then just make the SHOW the entre' so the music is more of a side dish and they won't focus as much on the mistake? Juist feel it and go with it. YOu'll be fine...and we WANT video!!!

we DO want video.

Depends on the person...and the kind of kiss they're wishing for. ha ha

any kiss from Nikki would be a wish come true

I do what I can jitna

and you do it so well


Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well one practice is iffy BUT just do what Kiss did through th decades.

Do their best to make a mockery of rock-n-roll,and whore themselves out to the point where if they ever had credibility as musicians they sure as shit don't now? (Except Ace Frehley?)

Maybe I shouldn't take it so seriously;after all:



Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Do their best to make a mockery of rock-n-roll,and whore themselves out to the point where if they ever had credibility as musicians they sure as shit don't now? (Except Ace Frehley?)

Maybe I shouldn't take it so seriously;after all:

pretty much. Like I said...distract them with the "show" hahahaha
Nikki Nova


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

heres the whole scene though not the best quality

i personally liked (bought the DVD) but it seems a little zanier than the films youve talked about
Ok this actually looks pretty awesome but it also looks like it would be best enjoyed stoned. ha ha


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hump day for the rest of the world, Thursday for guys like Dazza and me hahaha :)

Nikki's hitting the gym right now!
I went to the gym 3 days ina row which for me is like seeing Santa Claus on Easter...and i am SORE! I go but then my injuries from my accident h=act up and hurt so bad that it is just so hard to keeo going BUT...I'm doing it dammit. I wonder if we were at the gym at the same yime on opposite sides of the world. It's possible with my crazy hours.

we DO want video.

any kiss from Nikki would be a wish come true

and you do it so well
hear that Vern? Give us video!!!!!!
Folks I am having a HARD time getting out of bed this mornin'

Nikki Nova
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I went to the gym 3 days ina row which for me is like seeing Santa Claus on Easter...and i am SORE! I go but then my injuries from my accident h=act up and hurt so bad that it is just so hard to keeo going BUT...I'm doing it dammit. I wonder if we were at the gym at the same yime on opposite sides of the world. It's possible with my crazy hours.

Nikki Nova
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I was actually about to sleep at that time. It was an late night/early visit to the board.

Lovely bed you got there, Nikki.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yea Scott Pilgrim was one of those weird movies lol
I'm good with weird. It suits me well.

I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be jealous of a cat.
She is my family and my best friend. Traveling with me these next few months. I would never go anywhere without her

I was actually about to sleep at that time. It was an late night/early visit to the board.

Lovely bed you got there, Nikki.
Haha. Well thank you but it's actually not my bed. I am staying in rentals and hotels through the winter while working with various Dr's on my health and tying up some things that need to be handeled before I move this Spring. All of my stuff is packed up in storage. It's just me and my kitty and my computer and a few bare essentials.
Nikki Nova
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok this actually looks pretty awesome but it also looks like it would be best enjoyed stoned. ha ha

im sure it would also be very enjoyable in certain altered states. (not that i condone such things of course)

I went to the gym 3 days ina row which for me is like seeing Santa Claus on Easter...and i am SORE! I go but then my injuries from my accident h=act up and hurt so bad that it is just so hard to keeo going BUT...I'm doing it dammit. I wonder if we were at the gym at the same yime on opposite sides of the world. It's possible with my crazy hours.

im so happy to hear that youve been going to the gym. so proud, and yet sad to hear your injuries started acting up. i hope you keep soldiering on, but remember rest days are important too.

hear that Vern? Give us video!!!!!!


Folks I am having a HARD time getting out of bed this mornin'

wait, why do we want you out of bed again?