I saw about the sandstorm/dust storm on my local news even. It was like out of nowhere & bam....everything was engulfed by a huge cloud of dust/sand. Again, given that this is FreeOnes, I found the name for it "amusing". I'm sure Nikki knows this...but the name for that type of dust storm is a haboob. I've never actually experienced anything like that...the closest I ever came was when I went to witness them imploding Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh...and despite the fact that I was across the river watching...shortly after the implosion...a HUGE cloud of dust engulfed everything in sight & everyone tried in vain to run from it. Needless to say I was covered in dust & had it in virtually every orifice! Ha ha ha! But, that PALED in comparison to what I saw on television from the other night. Here is an actual picture from it:
Another thing I saw on an ABC-15 story to be careful about with the dust storms was "valley fever" (I'm sure you know about this). They said if you feel like you are getting sick in the next 2-3 weeks, that you should get tested for it, so it can be caught early (when it's best treatable). The last thing any of us want is a sick Nikki! Take care & be safe my dear!