Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
1). Name something you are happy about in your life.
2). Name something you are grateful for.
3). Name something you like about freeones
1) I guess, given what I have been through since October, I would have to say the very fact that I am still alive, and that my heart attack wasn't as bad as it could have been. I still have my moments, but it really put things into perspective for me...though I lose that perspective at times (though I'm working on that too), but was a scare for me...BUT, things can always be a helluva lot worse & there are a lot of people who have it far worse that I do. So yeah, the fact that I even have a life is what I am happiest about.
2) I would have to say that I am grateful for the fact that I have some really good friends (don't sell yourselves short guys...I actually appreciate you guys too) & people who genuinely care about me. A lot of people, even those with loads of money, can't say, to be honest, I actually feel all the richer for it. It's no secret that something really bad happened to me in October, and I am still stuck with the blockage that caused it, but even some good rose from something bad. If not for that "event," I never would have met you Nikki, and a very special friendship would not have been born. I guess what they say about a dark cloud having a silver lining rings did in my case anyway. I TRULY consider myself FORTUNATE that you genuinely took an interest in my "plight" (because that is the kind of person you REALLY are) AND I am truly grateful for your friendship as well! You always tell me the way things REALLY are, as opposed to what I want to hear (as many people do), and though I'm still a work in progress (as everyone really is), you have helped me be a better person & continue to want to do so. You really are a fine human being, and I am fortunate and grateful that I'm able to honestly call you a friend!
3) I like the ability to freely express myself about things in general, and the fact that some friendships have been born of a silly little contest on a "porn board". Who would have thunk it possible...and yet it happened.