Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Come on guys, show Nikki some love by voting for her for OCSM of the week! Currently she leads by ONLY one vote! I haven't a clue when the voting ends. And, I am fairly certain that the only "prize" is accolades and recognition (MUCH DESERVED in the case of Nikki), but I believe it would be nice to get Nikki the win just the same!

Just go here:

and simply post Nikki Nova or I vote for Nikki Nova or something along those lines!

Like I said, Nikki only leads by 1 vote, soooooo needless to say, she can use all the votes she can get guys! As there aren't that many people who are actually voting (she leads 6-5 btw), every vote counts for real this time!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Okay, let me get this straight. We can do what Miss Hybrid wants and make her happy by voting for Nikki.

And we can make Nikki happy by voting for Nikki.

Why would we not do this?

By the way, I already have.

seems like a win-win-win scenario


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

ummm..ok...jeezus guys. Way too much babble to sort through on the past several pages BUT as far as Who?? and jitna discussing how myself and Miss H addressed only one of you and not the other when you reached your 1,00th post or whatever...come on. No one is being favored and no one is being ignored. Some days we are able to be on here more than others. On the days we are on here more we see and notice more and have more time to do so. If someone's 1000th post got noticed on one of those days but someone elses didn't because it was/is during a time when I am super busy and not on here as much then that's all it is. I would also like to reference a lovely point made by jbs. It is most definitely QUALITY ...and NOT quantity that counts.
I'm in a hellishly busy time and it's an absolute miracle that I've been able to find ways to log on here at all. I love both of you guys so stop being silly. As far as today being April Fools worries of anything coming from me. Anything people do today seems kind of suspect anyhow. I thinks it's best to play a prank on a totally unexpected day. This means you could be walking on eggshells every day. hahaha
Ok I just got back home from having a few ribs popped back into place and my spine and skull worked on. Stuff I have to do on ocassion as a result of that damned accident years ago. It often brings on headaches and it did and I am exhausted so I will be laying down for a bit now and be back later.
Big Love to you!
Nikki Nova
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Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Love to you too Nikki :iloveyou:...take it easy & have some serious Ohhhhsahhhh & hope you feel better :)

Hope you have a decent weekend as well :cool:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

ummm..ok...jeezus guys. Way too much babble to sort through on the past several pages BUT as far as Who?? and jitna discussing how myself and Miss H addressed only one of you and not the other when you reached your 1,00th post or whatever...come on. No one is being favored and no one is being ignored. Some days we are able to be on here more than others. On the days we are on here more we see and notice more and have more time to do so. If someone's 1000th post got noticed on one of those days but someone elses didn't because it was/is during a time when I am super busy and not on here as much then that's all it is. I would also like to reference a lovely point made by jbs. It is most definitely QUALITY ...and NOT quantity that counts.
I'm in a hellishly busy time and it's an absolute miracle that I've been able to find ways to log on here at all. I love both of you guys so stop being silly. As far as today being April Fools worries of anything coming from me. Anything people do today seems kind of suspect anyhow. I thinks it's best to play a prank on a totally unexpected day. This means you could be walking on eggshells every day. hahaha
Ok I just got back home from having a few ribs popped back into place and my spine and skull worked on. Stuff I have to do on ocassion as a result of that damned accident years ago. It often brings on headaches and it did and I am exhausted so I will be laying down for a bit now and be back later.
Big Love to you!
Nikki Nova
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I am sorry to see you are feeling kind of rough right now, and I hope you get to feeling better soon.

As far as jitna and I are concerned, we just post stuff to be goofy and yes, silly too. We try to entertain ourselves and hopefully some others. And it was all done "tongue in cheek". We would never think any less of either one of you for posting or not posting in our 1k or whatever threads. Because you are both so venerated in our eyes that, while no one is perfect, you 2 are pretty darn close.

I am sorry for talking for jitna some on this, but I am sure he would probably feel the same way.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I am sorry to see you are feeling kind of rough right now, and I hope you get to feeling better soon.

As far as jitna and I are concerned, we just post stuff to be goofy and yes, silly too. We try to entertain ourselves and hopefully some others. And it was all done "tongue in cheek". We would never think any less of either one of you for posting or not posting in our 1k or whatever threads. Because you are both so venerated in our eyes that, while no one is perfect, you 2 are pretty darn close.

I am sorry for talking for jitna some on this, but I am sure he would probably feel the same way.

yep, that about covers it.

i sure didnt mean anything i said as a slight against you. i never would ever say anything as an insult to you. im also fairly certain that you havent done anything to slight me. we were just goofing with each other. if we talk about quality, we're definitely talking about you, the highest grade quality (Miss Hybrid aint too bad herself).

im sorry to hear anytime youre in any pain and i never want to contribute any aggravation or irritation to it. the only thing we're ever really serious about how much we care about you.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Guys....good news to report! As of right now, one of the sweetest people ever to exist, the incredibly lovely Nikki Nova is currently leading for OCSM of the Week by a vote count of 9-5-3-1 (out of the four people who have received votes)! Keep the votes coming!!!

Who??? & jitna, I want to say in all seriousness that you guys need to cut out "the benders"! I was being totally serious when I told you guys to stop last night (my biggest regret was that I didn't tell you to stop sooner). What you guys did really wasn't cool, and I can not imagine anyone in their right mind finding it amusing....much less entertaining. I sent you guys a pm and I ask you to be calm and rational when you read it.....I meant everything I said in a constructive way, and I ask you to take it as such. Though Nikki was too sweet to come right out and say it, I hope you were astute enough to fully get the inference that what you did last night detracted from even her enjoyment of her own thread. Like I said, and Nikki reiterated, its QUALITY that counts...not QUANTITY! And guys, don't think that you need to defend yourselves all the time either. Often times the lesson is actually learned when you take what is said constructively as opposed to getting defensive about it. Rarely is the lesson learned when one gets defensive. I for one found Nikki's interpretation to be spot on, as that is the way I took what was said and what went on last night. Just be cool and learn from the experience & NO MORE BENDERS!!!

Anyway, Nikki, I'm sorry to hear you are doing rough right now thanks to your treatment for that "damn accident"! I'm feeling kinda crappy today myself (just one of my "down days" post heart attack), but it pales in comparison to what you have been through and continue to endure as a result of that "damned accident". What many people fail to realize (especially when looking at someone at first glance) is that though the "recovery" may be virtually complete, the damage that was done is still present, and one never really gets back to 100% the person they used to be. Hell, I'm only 39, and just like you, I suspect I will be going to doctors and specialists regularly for the remainder of my life. Beats being dead any day......but, you know!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great Friday and an amazing weekend!

Much love to ya Nikki!


ps. The day isn't out yet HUGE April Fools Prank is yet to come! I've been working on it for a couple of months.....and I know you will enjoy it.....just try not to get too offended! Ha ha ha!
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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I knew you guys were just joking and heckling each other but I also know that sometimes there might be a tiny sliver of truth in a joke so I just wanted to make 100% sure that niether of you actually thought or felt that way for even a second.
Ok so...on a seperate note..on my way home from my medical appt. I called to confirm my appt with my accountant of 10 years to do my taxes. R u ready for this? His assistant told me that he had a stroke 2 weeks ago. Um.....fuck! It was apparently a minor stroke but it will still be quite a while before he is back at work and he has all of my stuff. I kept waiting for her to say April Fools never happened. His por wife is trying to handle everything AND take care of him. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this is probably the worst time of year for an accountant to not be able to be able to work. haha. Um.....yeah. Also...since it is currently 102 degrees here where I live and my air conditioning is dead I will be very nocturnal with work this next week until I get the situation solved or handeled. hahaha
What a Mercury retrograde !
Holy shit! hahaha
Nikki Nova
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yep, that about covers it.

i sure didnt mean anything i said as a slight against you. i never would ever say anything as an insult to you. im also fairly certain that you havent done anything to slight me. we were just goofing with each other. if we talk about quality, we're definitely talking about you, the highest grade quality (Miss Hybrid aint too bad herself).

im sorry to hear anytime youre in any pain and i never want to contribute any aggravation or irritation to it. the only thing we're ever really serious about how much we care about you.

I am sorry to see you are feeling kind of rough right now, and I hope you get to feeling better soon.

As far as jitna and I are concerned, we just post stuff to be goofy and yes, silly too. We try to entertain ourselves and hopefully some others. And it was all done "tongue in cheek". We would never think any less of either one of you for posting or not posting in our 1k or whatever threads. Because you are both so venerated in our eyes that, while no one is perfect, you 2 are pretty darn close.

I am sorry for talking for jitna some on this, but I am sure he would probably feel the same way.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon you know I love the crap out of you and I know you care about me and are just looking out but this is one of those cases where you are over reacting a wee bit. They were totally fine. No one did anything wrong. It's all good. Everybody kiss and eat cookies and smile. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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Guys....good news to report! As of right now, one of the sweetest people ever to exist, the incredibly lovely Nikki Nova is currently leading for OCSM of the Week by a vote count of 9-5-3-1 (out of the four people who have received votes)! Keep the votes coming!!!

Who??? & jitna, I want to say in all seriousness that you guys need to cut out "the benders"! I was being totally serious when I told you guys to stop last night (my biggest regret was that I didn't tell you to stop sooner). What you guys did really wasn't cool, and I can not imagine anyone in their right mind finding it amusing....much less entertaining. I sent you guys a pm and I ask you to be calm and rational when you read it.....I meant everything I said in a constructive way, and I ask you to take it as such. Though Nikki was too sweet to come right out and say it, I hope you were astute enough to fully get the inference that what you did last night detracted from even her enjoyment of her own thread. Like I said, and Nikki reiterated, its QUALITY that counts...not QUANTITY! And guys, don't think that you need to defend yourselves all the time either. Often times the lesson is actually learned when you take what is said constructively as opposed to getting defensive about it. Rarely is the lesson learned when one gets defensive. I for one found Nikki's interpretation to be spot on, as that is the way I took what was said and what went on last night. Just be cool and learn from the experience & NO MORE BENDERS!!!

Anyway, Nikki, I'm sorry to hear you are doing rough right now thanks to your treatment for that "damn accident"! I'm feeling kinda crappy today myself (just one of my "down days" post heart attack), but it pales in comparison to what you have been through and continue to endure as a result of that "damned accident". What many people fail to realize (especially when looking at someone at first glance) is that though the "recovery" may be virtually complete, the damage that was done is still present, and one never really gets back to 100% the person they used to be. Hell, I'm only 39, and just like you, I suspect I will be going to doctors and specialists regularly for the remainder of my life. Beats being dead any day......but, you know!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great Friday and an amazing weekend!

Much love to ya Nikki!


ps. The day isn't out yet HUGE April Fools Prank is yet to come! I've been working on it for a couple of months.....and I know you will enjoy it.....just try not to get too offended! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread



God damn you are mondo sexy in that 'do!!! :drool1:
Double chapeau to you, Nikki! :hatsoff: :hatsoff:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know that Nikki. I told them they were still cool & just to chill a bit with the benders. What really freaked me out is that they seemed to be doing the same thing on 4-5 threads simultaneously last night. I just wanted them to realize the "error of their ways" and to realize that I was just trying to give a little constructive advice. If it was just your thread, that would have been one thing, but 4-5 or more threads!?!?!? They were seriously fucking with my head last night, as I was experiencing it in real time! Ha ha ha! But, they know we're still cool.....I told them so. I'm the 1st to tell everyone that I can overreact sometimes, but it is always with the best of intentions, and I think who??? and jitna realize that. who??? & jitna, like I said, we're cool!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I knew you guys were just joking and heckling each other but I also know that sometimes there might be a tiny sliver of truth in a joke so I just wanted to make 100% sure that niether of you actually thought or felt that way for even a second.
Ok so...on a seperate note..on my way home from my medical appt. I called to confirm my appt with my accountant of 10 years to do my taxes. R u ready for this? His assistant told me that he had a stroke 2 weeks ago. Um.....fuck! It was apparently a minor stroke but it will still be quite a while before he is back at work and he has all of my stuff. I kept waiting for her to say April Fools never happened. His por wife is trying to handle everything AND take care of him. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this is probably the worst time of year for an accountant to not be able to be able to work. haha. Um.....yeah. Also...since it is currently 102 degrees here where I live and my air conditioning is dead I will be very nocturnal with work this next week until I get the situation solved or handeled. hahaha
What a Mercury retrograde !
Holy shit! hahaha
Nikki Nova
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wow, fucking mercury. i hope all that stuff gets taken care of. i think when you were just super busy was more than enough excuse to keep focused on your work, but with the taxes, and no air conditioning, and the headache, and the rib popping im surprised you dont just hop in the tub and soak for the next week (except that would be completely counter-productive). take your time, get everything taken care of, and we'll all be on our best behavior while youre gone. promise

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm not sure if you guys know about the OCSM of the Week thread but I nominated Nikki this week.
I thought you may like to lend your support...
Missed saying this earlier, but good job Mr. Larss! Way to take the initiative! To be perfectly honest, I rarely if ever bother checking out the "members only" threads, so thanks for also bringing this to out attention! As of last check, the votes remain the same, and it looks like Nikki has a great chance of winning this week! Sadly, unlike the Miss FreeOnes contest, there is no material prize...BUT, at least Nikki will get a little recognition....and that is more than a little overdue IMHO!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I voted for Nikki on the other thread...

Were in the earth can i see more...This is amazling sexy

Dont hot link images.
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I voted for Nikki on the other thread
Good man...with impeccable taste!!! That gives Nikki a lead of 10-5-3-1 (Only four have received votes)!!!

And yeah, Nikki does look amazing in that pic.....but I am "kinda" biased....I always think Nikki looks amazing (which I'm fairly certain you do as well)!