Honey I can't even figure out what your previous posts mean and I have cared enough to ask you repeatedly and try to get some clarification, which you have NOT given at all. You seem to be either on drugs or possibly in need of some professional help and I am advising you to seek some before you do something that you may regret. This is not stable behavior and I can't communicate with you to even try to help when you aren't even making sense. Please stop. Please find a Dr. in your area that can help you. Anyone else here want to jump in and help me with this guy/situation?
Nikki Nova
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I checked his previous posts (not just to this thread), and really none of them make any sense. Being absolutely serious here, I'd have to say he is simply REALLY lonely and in need of attention, and making seemingly bizarre posts is the best he can do to that end. Is he really mentally unstable? Even with my hypothesis, that's still quite possible. Bad enough to hurt himself or others? Again, quite possible. Sadly, it's impossible to get help for someone who isn't receptive to it &/or cooperative....and that is especially true on the Internet.
Like others, I tend to believe he is just "playing around". However, even in that, there is still something going on internally (mentally if you will) that would lead to that type of behavior in the 1st place. Little does he know, this time he actually picked the one thread devoted to that uniquely special brand of human where it isn't taken lightly....in case you haven't learned....Nikki cares!
Now, a little good news, I actually got 5 more hours sleep for a total of 9 & I am off for a quick dip in the pool (1st time since the vertigo), so wish me luck!
Much love and light to the uniquely special and ever amazing "Nikki Nova"!
EXACTLY!!!! Well stated Dazza! I like to think I'm fairly articulate, and I couldn't have said it better myself if I tried. Like I said, he is posting bizarre posts all over the boards...thus something is clearly amiss. With men anyway, the 1st inclination might be to laugh it off &/or be dismissive, but in reality it's really not a laughing matter.
Nikki, lf l can help.
Sounds like RedLM is suffering from Depression and the feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness, loneliness and everything associated with depressive thoughts.
RedLM...if you are reading this....Please take Nikki's advice and seek medical help and don't do anything foolish or even think about harming yourself.
Think of all your friends and family and what they mean to you RedLM, you are a worthy person RedLM
Please seek help or at least contact a friend who will be able to help you.
Nikki or no Nikki, it would still be very difficult to say no to chocolate. :drool2:
Actually it's not as hard as
You Might think. I for one am not supposed to eat chocolate really...for obvious reasons, but still I'd take Nikki over chocolate because I find her to be FAR more stimulating! Come on pervs, get your heads out of the gutter...you know what I mean! Ha ha ha! An absolutely amazing person beats chocolate (or virtually anything else for that matter) hands down in my book! Now many already know about my health issues, but to be perfectly honest, if I were made a genuine offer of becoming 100% healthy as if nothing ever happened to me...but, I had to "quit" Nikki for that to happen....HONESTLY, I would say no...because to me, it wouldn't be worth it! So, you DEFINITELY know that I would take Nikki over something as plain (comparatively speaking) as chocolate! Chocolate!?!?!? CHOCOLATE!?!?!? Come on now...nothing compares to Nikki...NOTHING!