Nikki Nova hardcore

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rhino52 said:
can u prove u had sex with her R1ryda? just asking
haha, doubtful.. :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl:
kevinnnn said:
there some pics out there where she is getting her ass kissed by some nim wit and the nim wit has his head between her legs acting like his eating her pussy thats the closest shes gotten to hardcore..his one ugly mofo too

I believe I have this set you're talking about, its freaky but not bad. Wildest thing she's done I think ;)
silentfall said:
guys sorry to say but i have been waiting for a Nikki Nova hardcore moment for years and i am sorry to say that it will never happen

Bullshit, I refuse to accept that. If we can hack Vida Guerrera's phone, steal pam & tommy's tapes, and get paris hilton's annorexic ass (okay, that one was easy) on tape, then we can easily get Nikki Nova.
Perfect said:
So how is Nikki doing after the accident?

I haven't heard to much, but I guess she is back working again, so that has got to be a good thing. I really hope she is ok and stays far away from horses from now on.

As for the hardcore thing. She is a great softcore model and should stay that way. There are only a few models that can do both well and she works great as a softcore model.

Ever notice how hardcore models have a hard time doing softcore well...???...???
all u have to do is watch busty cops, busty cops 2 and alabama jones. She doesnt do hardcore, but there are some nice lesbo softcore. I've noticed she never does softcore w/ guys... except on one instance on hotel erotica cancun or whatever its called.


Closed Account
Ya know I'd put my money on her doing it....all it takes is one super expensive weekend in vegas and boom...she'll be doin some hardcore...just pray peopel. pray. lol

i like the way you think:thumbsup:


Official Checked Star Member
THis thread is funny. Let me clarify. To the guy that claims he had sex with me after tha**T! hahaha I don't even know you and the guy I went to the prom with...I was with for year sand still talk nice try. To the guy that thinks I don't do hardcore because I am scared of sex...WHAT?? That is retarded. I don't do hardcore for a few reasons. 1) Because I don't have sex with people that I am not into. 2) Even if I am into true sex life between whomever I share it with is private and not for public consumption ...and 3) I am co-producing a reality show on this very subject and it will ALL make much more sense soon. wink wink. 4) as far as whether or not I am bi or a lez. Nope...neither actually. I am not into chicks unless it is to watch them have sex with my man. I jus preffer doing videos and photo shoots with them because they are pretty and it's way more comfortable. I don't want some guys hands on me that I am not dating or into. With women it's different. There you go gentlemen...and ladies. You will just have to stay tuned to see what I am talking about with the reality tv thing. tee heee
Ms. Nova is very beautiful and I would like to see her going hardcore
but until then there´s a lot more Nikki´s in the sea to keep me from being worried. :D


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
With all that said, and all I've read.. I am now going to close the curtains/blinds and proceed to worship Miss Nova via the cunning use of.. a fleshlight.

That might sound crude, but there's already topics and boards and oodles of people gushing with compliments and such.. I feel that by giving her a wank, I've already (silently) announced that I find her amazingly attractive. Enough so, indeed.. to spend my time slaving over a hot cock in hopes of orgasmic bliss! SO THERE!! Stick that in your pipe and stroke it!

So to speak.

Will E Worm

Because I don't have sex with people that I am not into.

Find one and get a video camera. :D

4) as far as whether or not I am bi or a lez. Nope...neither actually.

I am not into chicks unless it is to watch them have sex with my man. With women it's different.

Are you sure? You're not into females, but you have sex with them and on camera. It's not really any different.
Find a guy you're into and make your fans happy. :hatsoff:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Find one and get a video camera. :D

Are you sure? You're not into females, but you have sex with them and on camera. It's not really any different.
Find a guy you're into and make your fans happy. :hatsoff:

Well.. you have a picture of a cupcake as your 'avatar', and your posts can always, ALWAYS be found in political and current events threads. Does that make you an ambiguously gay anchorman at CSPAN? Ehh.. to answer that question we turn to Chef Chicago Town live from whatever bar he's drowning his flamboyantly gay sorrows at.
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