Frank: sorry to say but I think she is retired. She has done one vid outside the realitykings umbrella and thats Nice Jewish Girls.
It's a shame if she is going to retire.She was the heart and soul of welivetogether, one of the best porn sites on the net. I discovered the site back in 2006, when I was 15 (hope that doesn't get me in trouble here), and I've been following it ever since.
She was so good in her scenes, I've often wondered if she's bisexual or lesbian in real life.
She admitted to being kicked off WLT some time ago and havent been on their updates since. She is probably bi in real life. I asked Mariah Milano about their scene together on moneytalks and she said Nikki was dating one of the producers on RK (probably Justin). They probably broke up and she was kicked off the site. I know Molly Cavalli and Marlie Moore doesn't like Nikki much either nowadays for some reason.
I'll miss her really much to since I really think she was the heart and soulf of WLT and even on vipcrew and inthevip when hosting their parties. A lot of those updates really got worse without her appearance on them.
That's too bad.
And Molly has about one tenth of the enthusiasm that Nikki did, lol.
Maybe this is a good thing and she will become more mainstream now