I saw this reply on Yahoo Sports and it just about says it all to me, about the Montreal Canadiens:
"I'm 29 and have been a Habs fan ever since the 93 Stanley Cup. I've always loved the team and been positive regardless of how great or bad of a season Les Boys had. The saying goes that "everyone loves a winner," but if this were true, many of us would've abandoned the team sometime in the late 1990s/early 2000's. So, what is it then? Personally, I think it is because we genuinely love this team and love that it actually had heart. We all rooted for Jocelyn Thibault, even though he was, at times, a human sieve. The ZZiP line of Zholtok, Zubrus, and Petrov was the talk of the Montreal media and fans, even though we had no chance of making the playoffs that season. Igor Ulanov was never going to be Andrei Markov or like the MacInnis/ Nedermayer / Prongers of the game: he was a gritty stay-at-home defenceman, but we all cheered when he got a point because he played with heart. The list goes on and on:
Shayne Corson, who would fight and annoy anything with a pulse on another team, Turner "The Hands of Stone" Stevenson, Gino Odjick, the enforcer who actually slipped on the ice and injured himself outside of the hotel during a layover from a Hurricanes game, Francis Bouillon, the strong and stable little defenceman, Patrice Brisebois, the defenceman that everyone loves to love or hate, depending on his last game, or the suddenness of the McCleary injury or the Malakhov skiing expedition.
So what's the point? Previous Canadiens teams have had heart and you could cheer for and relate to them. Unfortunately, this current team is big on talent and small on cohesion and heart; therefore, I'm torn: Bob Gainey has put together a team that is big in numbers and small on heart, so as much as I want a successful team, I don't think that this current team deserves it and I'm not sure that I want them to succeed. I'd rather have a team I could believe in, rather than a bunch of glamourous, over-paid rentals. Who are we...the NY Rangers?!?!!?"
Anybody else agree?