NFL to charge people $200 to stand outside Super Bowl stadium

And I hope each one of them freezes while they watch. What a waste.


*looks at ShayD's standing fence ticket*

I even bought us a super size blanket to share. It was going to be a surprise....
Am I wrong, or did the Chicago Cubs ownership once try to charge the owners of buildings around Wrigley Field for letting fans sit on their roofs to watch the games?

At first it was just people who lived in the buildings sitting in lawn chairs wtahcing the games, but after there started to be parties the Cubs thought about having screens put in place to block the view of the field from the roofs, but a financial arrangement was reached as advertisers sponser the roof top seats now.
At first it was just people who lived in the buildings sitting in lawn chairs wtahcing the games, but after there started to be parties the Cubs thought about having screens put in place to block the view of the field from the roofs, but a financial arrangement was reached as advertisers sponser the roof top seats now.

As a Cubs fan I thought the Cubs putting up the screens was one of the most shameful moments in their history. It was mindless greed at it's finest. I don't like the fact they are one of the most shady organizations in sports when it comes to things like ticket sales either.
Am I wrong, or did the Chicago Cubs ownership once try to charge the owners of buildings around Wrigley Field for letting fans sit on their roofs to watch the games?

Yes........another example of slipping it to someone without the vaseline.........outrageous


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
That's capitolism at it's best. It's kind of like a certain event organizer over here charging 180 freakin euro for a Rammstein concert while I could go to Germany or Belgium to see them for 80 (still more than I'm willing to pay, but at least 100 euro cheaper).

Festivals cost upwards of 3-400 euro for the weekend, per person when it's a more reasonable 80-200 including camping in Germany.

Regular concert tickets can go for 50 here while it may be 30 in a surrounding country...

Silly thing is, people keep buying tickets so this organizer will keep charging the prices. So, if people are silly and pay 200 to stand outside the stadium, well, that's on them.
GREED! and stupid for if you want to pay that price!
Would never do it as big as a football fan as I am! (Go USC :thefinger)

Will buy 2 bottles of Cava champagne - $30 each :), and make about 30-40 scorching tacos!!! Will bring to my cousins house in lovely Calabasas CA, and watch it on his 52" screen with 15 -20 other people = PARTY!


YOU guys?