Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
No offense, but when it comes to facts, you're not exactly credible.
AND YOU ARE!?!?!? I never claimed a fact check, I never quoted a source. If your sole purpose here, is to start shit, because I pointed out certain opinions towards you, and your ideas, in a different thread....grow the fuck up. If you're just a gun hating, Socialist retard, the U.S.A. will function fine without you....please leave. If you don't live here, please stay out. I'm done with you....I'm almost positive you're really an old member named fox.
The fact that you think guns are for killing, and no other reason CLEARLY shows your ignorance...and it shows in your other thread regarding a fully automatic shotgun, for home defense. IF you had half a clue, you could probably hurt yourself.