New Year's Resolutions: 2005

What Is Your New Year's Resolution for 2005?

  • Lose weight

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Quit smoking

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Quit drinking

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Find love

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Start a new job/career

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Be more compassionate to others

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Spend more time with family

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • To budget my money better

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Volunteer time/give money to charities

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Other: please post your answer below...

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
O.k. everybody -- post up and share your resolutions for 2005!!!

Is it losing weight? Quitting smoking? Getting a better career/job? Finding love? Being a more caring person? Not being a spammer (lol)?

What are your New Year's resolutions for 2005? :nanner: :hatsoff: :)
my resolution is not to make any resolutions. It's been the same thing for years and so far it worked out fine :)
Seriously, if I want to stop something, why would I need a new year for that. So many people, not all though, lie to themselves. :2 cents:
You Can Vote for More Than One Option

By the can vote for more than one option! I forgot to mention that in the first post and now I cannot edit it. lol :hatsoff:
most important: to earn more rep points, post at least 5 times a day (and just be a better human being of course) and make more friends on the board; seems like I don't know anyone but enjoy the posts and I like to post.

And: budget money better, pass the CPA exam, lose some weight and take my girlfriend somewhere outside of the midwest for her birthday.

Happy Ney Years.


Staff member
budgetting my money better, find love and looking for a better job/carreer


To carry on having amazing sex and spending too much money!
I've not made a New Year's resolution in years and can't imagine I'd ever do it again. As I understand it, the vast majority of people who make these resolutions don't keep them very long anyways.... that's because the date on the calendar does nothing to make one more "resolute."


Where do I even start? LMAO. There are so many things I need to acomplish:

(01) Quit smoking... maybe
(02) Find love... ehhh
(03) Start a new job / career... I love what I'm doing, but I need a raise!
(04) Be more compassionate to others... if only to reduce the amount of heartache.
(05) Volunteer time/give money to charities... I've been blessed and quite fortunate over the past several years. It's time for me to grow up and help those who are less fortunate.
I can always do most of that list. The only thing I want to change in 2005 is not necessarily lose weight, but make my abs look like abs that belong to a lean person like myself. Oh yeah, and to have massive amounts of disease-free uber-sex. :D


no point in making any always broken the next day anyways LOL,
dont smoke so thats that outta the way
dont need 2 lose weight
dont need 2 cut down on drink, hell i need something for when i go out;)
Find Love, no point if you look for it, it'll never come, love will come when you dont want it or least expect it.
I'm going to vow to actually start going to the gym whose membership I pay for anyway.

I made a New Years resolution one year to not eat beef for the entire year, I actually did it and lost 5 pounds, lol. I have no idea why I did that...
Well, if you're avoiding beef, here's an idea: "Pussy -- the other white meat." LOL :D :) :nanner:

(sorry to our non-American friends for the American "inside joke." It's a TV commercial campaign for pork)

foxycougar said:
...I made a New Years resolution one year to not eat beef for the entire year, I actually did it and lost 5 pounds, lol. I have no idea why I did that...
Quitin' smoking for me.

For the past 3 or 4 years i've tried and lasted a week at most :(

More willpower Neptune, more willpower!!!!
