Played this game in the pub wit my friends the other night thought i'd share it with you guys.
For this game you have to pick 3 people, can be famous or a member of the board etc not allowed are pornstars coz we'll just have everyone marrying pornstars now wont we so NO pornstar
give reasons as to why you chose that person aswell
this is the sitution, you are in a plane crash and only two of you can survive, so you must marry one person, kill another and eat to stay alive so who would you pick?
the rules! have to pick somebody to marry (Cannot be Pornstars i know what you guys are like
2. you have to pick somebody you could kill
3. you have to pick somebody you would eat
so them's the rules
For this game you have to pick 3 people, can be famous or a member of the board etc not allowed are pornstars coz we'll just have everyone marrying pornstars now wont we so NO pornstar
this is the sitution, you are in a plane crash and only two of you can survive, so you must marry one person, kill another and eat to stay alive so who would you pick?
the rules! have to pick somebody to marry (Cannot be Pornstars i know what you guys are like
2. you have to pick somebody you could kill
3. you have to pick somebody you would eat
so them's the rules