New U2 album

No line on the horizon. thoughts?

here are a few of mine after a first listen:

1. engineering/mixing/producing are great - the sound is clear and well put together.
2. bono's voice is aging, but still sounds good
3. some songs rely too much on electronica
4. edge added more delay,i think it might be too much
5. overall a good album, but not stellar. good enough, though. 3.5 of 5 stars.


Lord Dipstick
They make the same, consistent album everytime!
Im not really a fan, but at this point in their career they can blow millions on production and their built in fanbase will buy anything they put out!
Their fans dont download, they actually go to the store and purchase.
It always amazes me how their career took off here in the states after they "championed" the 9-11 cause....hmmmmmmm!!??
Brilliant career move or genuine sentiment!!??:dunno:
Those pervs over at Rolling Stone gave it 5 stars out of 5. But...their reviews amount to toilet paper nowadays anyway, especially after all the 5 stars they handed out to Dylan, Jagger, Springsteen and all the others who pay for their reviews.
They make the same, consistent album everytime!
Im not really a fan, but at this point in their career they can blow millions on production and their built in fanbase will buy anything they put out!
Their fans dont download, they actually go to the store and purchase.
It always amazes me how their career took off here in the states after they "championed" the 9-11 cause....hmmmmmmm!!??
Brilliant career move or genuine sentiment!!??:dunno:

their fans are downloading this album - whole album available on amazon for 4$ - good price.

and their career was huge in the states before 9-11, don't you think? i think the events of 9-11 became fodder for bono's activism, but i don't think it made their career. they were well established before 2001.
Since I'm nowhere remotely close to being a fan of that band, I'm curious about something. Why do their songs all sound the same? I'm not trying to talk shit about them or anything, but I've never understood what the hype is with them. I worked their shows 3 nights in a row a few years ago, and it sounded like 3 nights of listening "With Or Without You" over and over again. :helpme:


Lord Dipstick
their fans are downloading this album - whole album available on amazon for 4$ - good price.

and their career was huge in the states before 9-11, don't you think? i think the events of 9-11 became fodder for bono's activism, but i don't think it made their career. they were well established before 2001.

My point being their fans are mostly over 30-ish. They werent HUGE before 9-11 here.....after the 9-11/Super Bowl performance, they exploded here in the states! They are a good, consistent rock band, but I've heard more than one top musician or band bash their "musicianship" particular, their less than average rhythm section! again....jmo
My point being their fans are mostly over 30-ish. They werent HUGE before 9-11 here.....after the 9-11/Super Bowl performance, they exploded here in the states! They are a good, consistent rock band, but I've heard more than one top musician or band bash their "musicianship" particular, their less than average rhythm section! again....jmo

yeah, i can tell you (having produced quite a few albums myself) that rhythm is definitely their weak spot - especially bass. This answers the question 2 posts above too - much of what they do sounds alike because of the lack of variation in their bass and drums. they also don't very their keys enough - they have a couple of keys that work really well with bono's voice, and they tend to stick with those. it can produce an effect of all the same sort of sound.

I think the hype from the superbowl/9-11 concert was short lived. while they did grow in reputation here, i think they were established. at least their album sales would indicate such. but i think your point is a good one, because i think that while the fan-base didn't change that much, the press coverage of them grew intensely after the concert.

jeeze. i think we're all correct. can someone start an argument please?
I ran out and bought the new album. Thought it was alright, but certainly not as memorable as many of their previous works. Still blows the socks off of a lot of the options out there at present though.

I don't find anything particularly musically lacking with the band. They traditionally have unique and spacey riffs which occasional mix with traditional celtic sounds with a heavy Mississippi Blues influence. Bono's voice stands out among rock stars, and the lyrics are solid.

Besides, you gotta tip your hat to a group that consistently produces hits and maintains an epic following for 30+ years!


Is somewhere outhere.
I liked their earlier stuff but I can't be bothered with them now.

Bono is a tit anyway.They did a small venue concert in Glasgow,where
before they played a song Bono claps his hands and says.

"Every time I clap my hands - a child in Africa dies"

A guy in the audience then shouts "Well stop fucking clapping then" :D
thanks, blueballs. no comment about the current album, then?

this album is getting pretty ripped apart in the press - overall reception is not good. no other reactions out there?