New to this site

I had some reay good sites saved in my phone. Its a q phone. Lost them all phone got wet can remember what they were. They were sites that I could watch streaming porn on my phone. Found some more good ones for downloads but takes to long. Does anyone have any ood ones? I hope im allowed to ask this if not will delete.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

When I saw your link, I had a hunch of where it was going. I love to see people spreading this around to the newbies. It's becoming sort of an initiation these days. I guess this means I'll be checking your links now before clicking on them... :hatsoff:


Die For Me
Theres always someone who hasnt seen lemonparty, even though its been around for at least 8 years :dunno:
That's all right I have broad shoulders and can take it. Maybe that's all he has to look forward too. If so where i'm from I wouldn't let it be known. Maybe he should have been breast feed .LOL


It's becoming the new rite of passage for noobs.