New teen...and naked this time!

btw, everyone here has been Teen, so stop the whining and let them grow up ;)
thanks for sharing the links springjunk. I won't give my opinion whether I like madison or not, no offense but people here just keep arguing with one another. I hate to sound redundant by saying everyone is entitled to his own opinion but arguing with one another?

anyhow I am beginning to find these arguing amusing and childish and hope we all take it lightly, no need to take things seriously it's all just opinions and personal tastes:D : :rolleyes: :nanner:
San Vegeta said:
btw, everyone here has been Teen, so stop the whining and let them grow up ;)
Quite agree.
"In order to be old and wise one must first be young and foolish"

:( shit I've just realised I sound like my father used to. Bugger it! It's official I'm now an old fart at age 36! :weeping:
I think Madison is very cute.

I don't think I will ever tire of Teens.