New Paris Hilton video!!!!!!

Imagine said:
One has to wonder how this girl would survive without rich parents...

Regular pornstar?
Civickiller80 said:
LOL...What will this one be called...A Taste Of Paris?... ;)
I only want to watch it because it is literally someone who has the IQ of a water buffalo, doesn't know it, and thinks we all like her because of her looks and brains. Little does she know, we are all laughing at her.
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flash forward 10yrs ahead and Paris Hilton's 19th sex video is released much to her surprise.:rolleyes: :D
This one stars former Pres. George W. Bush:eek:
Not to be confused with her other sex videos that starred her with the likes of Keifer Sutherland, Terrel Owens, Dan Rather, Nich Lachney, Tom Cruise, Bill Clinton, Bob Barker, the cast of CSI:Miami and Osama bin Laden.
JiDoKwan said:
flash forward 10yrs ahead and Paris Hilton's 19th sex video is released much to her surprise.:rolleyes: :D
This one stars former Pres. George W. Bush:eek:
Not to be confused with her other sex videos that starred her with the likes of Keifer Sutherland, Terrel Owens, Dan Rather, Nich Lachney, Tom Cruise, Bill Clinton, Bob Barker, the cast of CSI:Miami and Osama bin Laden.



It's good to be the king...

Wake me up when this "extravaganza" has passed...ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz...:sleep: